Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 545: Can have a baby

He Ning suddenly raised his eyes and looked at her.

Mrs. Shen continued the work she was working on, but in these words, she obviously had no deep meaning.

"Grandma..." He Ning understood. She was persuading herself to think more about divorcing Shen Jingyu. "If you have differences and don't compromise with each other, you are destined to cut it off. Or you see, the potted flowers will follow this. When the branches grow out, they can’t bloom."

The old lady Shen smiled kindly: "Then what are they disagreeing on?"

He Ning was silent for a moment: "One of them wants it, and the other doesn't want it at all."

"Is it a child?" Old lady Shen asked, "Does Jingyu want it?"

"Yeah." He Ning didn't conceal it after being guessed, and nodded lightly.

The old lady Shen is strange: "Our family Jingyu is not such an unaccompanied child. Is he worried about your health?"

"Doctor Gu said that my body has no major problems, and I can give birth to children."

Old Mrs. Shen was even more strange: "Jingyu, what is going on with this kid?"

He Ning could not answer this question either.

But the hand didn't stop, picked up the scissors, clicked, and cut the branch with two branches.

Old lady Shen felt shocked when she heard that sound.

This girl usually looks soft and weak, but on this key issue, she has a bit of courage and is very capable.

When He Ning and Mrs. Shen entered the door, Shen Jingyu was asking about Ding Qinen and Fengling.

He Ning was also full of curiosity about this name, and walked over.

Before she could ask if it was inconvenient to stay and listen, Ding Qinen pulled her to sit next to her and said, "He Ning also wants to know, right? Let's listen together."

"Presumably you know, Feng Ling and I are very good friends. At the beginning, it was one of the four golden flowers of our Jingyuan."

"The Feng family had military power in the first place, and compared with the current Shen family and the He family, it is not much better."

"Feng Ling married Fu Hongxuan. At that time, he was not the president-the president of our Dragon Empire, who has always been able to live. But at that time, he was already among the top members of the House of Lords."

"After Feng Ling married Fu Hongxuan, Fu Hongxuan's career has been advancing all the way. However, as his career grows, he is getting busier and increasingly neglected to accompany Feng Ling."

"It didn't take long for the accident to happen. Feng Ling and the chief bodyguard beside him were blocked on the bed... Fu Hongxuan slapped her a few times in public."

"A few days later, Feng Ling found me and left me the necklace. I want to talk to her more and ask her why, because she is such a proud and beautiful woman, like a blooming white peony, why? Maybe commit ourselves to bodyguards? We don’t believe she would do that kind of thing at all."

"Unfortunately, she didn't say anything. The next day, she disappeared."

From Ding Qinen's mouth, He Ning heard that Feng Ling is a woman who dares to love and hate, and has a very outstanding personality.

She couldn't help asking: "Neither Feng's family nor Fu Hongxuan looked for her?"

"The Fu family feels that Feng Ling is embarrassed by that kind of thing, so he just looked for it, and didn't care at all. The Feng family..." Ding Qinen sighed. Never came back. The Feng family has been defeated so far."

"Did Feng Ling's eldest brother follow He Wenyuan of the He family on the mission?" Shen Jingyu asked.

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