Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 546: A well-known lie

"Yeah. At that time, the missions were all elites. The mission failed and there was no return. Only He Wenyuan came back alive, and the others did not even find the body. So..." Ding Qinen mentioned this matter. Can't help but sigh.

She said: "Later, even the injured He Wenyuan disappeared. That mission was equivalent to annihilation of the entire army."

He Ning was also embarrassed.

No wonder Ding Langwei was so excited when he discovered her necklace. He originally thought that he could find some clues about Feng Ling from himself.

"Okay, Jingyu and Hening, it's good for you to know this kind of thing yourself, don't mention it. After all, Fu Hongxuan is now the president and married again. It's not good for anyone to mention it." Ding Qin En exhorted.

"Yeah." He Ning nodded gently.

She remembered that Jiang Xue, the wife of the president, came to her and offered to help He Peishan.

It seems that people in the entire presidential palace seem to be full of scheming and extremely difficult to mess with.

When leaving Shen's house, He Ning planned to go back alone.

"I happened to be back to West Portugal too, and I was with you." Shen Jingyu followed He Ning's side and walked out together.

Ding Qinen watched them leave.

In the past, she was not very satisfied with the daughter-in-law of He Ning, but after experiencing so many things, her heart became calmer and settled a lot.

He Ning also has a little more denominator-like care.

After He Peishan was taken back to the hospital, it quickly became the biggest joke in Jingyuan.

This incident has already reached He Birong's ears.

Her ribs weren't healed, and when she heard this, she was anxious and angry, and she fainted all at once.

The person who served her was not her own, but the one sent by Lan Xi.

They are not doing their best now, feeling that the reason why they came here to take care of them is completely dragged down by He Birong.

Seeing her fainted, she whispered: "It would be nice if San Ye didn't come to trouble her anymore. You know, the young lady almost jumped to death in the river."

"San Ye might not care about it. If you really think of it, he will definitely come back to settle accounts with her again."

"Forget it, don't say anything, she is also Miss He's family anyway."

"It's not the real Miss He's family, but it was raised by a child from a relative's family held by the old lady. Isn't it enough for the young lady these years?"

Just as everyone knows what He Peishan saved Shen Jingyu and helped Shen Jingyu before, now the lies she told have become everyone knows.

He Birong was ridiculed for his desolation, and He Peishan was also discussed behind the scenes.

In the hospital alone, there are a lot of people who talk coldly.

Some nurses could not bear her temper. They kept smiling when they were in front of her, turned around, and mocked: "I want to be with Sanye just like this, liar! If it wasn't for that root Necklace, San Ye will never have anything to do with her."

"That's it. I also asked Sanye to pay for her for so many years."

"But the one who cheated is always cheated. Do you think the third master of the other person still refuses to marry her?"

"So the fake can't be true, the liar can't really take the lead."

He Peishan was extremely emotional, and the doctor gave her Diazepam before letting her fall asleep.

Lan Xi took the necklace off her neck and handed it to He Yiming: "You can return this necklace to He Ning or Shen Jingyu."

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