Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 554: What should decay will always decay

The Baijing Palace where the Presidential Palace lives, I am afraid that even those famous and surnamed bosses in the West of Portugal may not have the opportunity to come in several times.

Ding Qinen was also invited.

The Presidential Palace hopes to have a good relationship with every family that holds real power. This is the basis for their survival.

They are afraid of the He family and Shen family being united together, but in their own hearts, they wish they were all **** with them.

After Ding Qinen arrived, many celebrities and expensive wives had already arrived.

After they came to her to greet each other, the topic turned to He Ning: "I heard that the third master married has a fair family background. I don't know if it's true?"

"Jingyu is so good, it's not like I said, really only these eldest daughters here are worthy of it."

Ding Qinen said indifferently: "Everything in the world is just like a happy heart. I think it is the most important thing to be happy."

"But, if the married family can't provide much help, tut tut, isn't the power of this family going to decline step by step?" the other party said.

"Children and grandchildren are incompetent, and those who should decline must always decline. Only when children and grandchildren are capable can the blessings last." Ding Qinen said unhurriedly.

The other party was boring and planned to introduce his daughter to Shen Jingyu for a few days. Who knew that Ding Qinen hit a soft nail here.

Fu Meirou came forward with a wine glass and handed it to Ding Qinen: "Auntie, I'm sorry for the lack of manners."

"Where. Baijing Palace did everything well." Ding Qinen greeted her.

As Jiang Xue's eldest daughter, Fu Meirou is much more magnanimous than Jiang Xue.

She inherited Jiang Xue's appearance, quite beautiful.

However, Ding Qinen has always had a normal attitude towards Jiang Xue because of the affairs of her good friend Feng Ling, and she doesn't have much favor with Fu Meirou.

However, although Jiang Xue looks pretty decent, it is much inferior to the four golden flowers of Jingyuan back then. This also makes Fu Meirou look pretty, but not particularly outstanding.

Shen Jingyu and He Ning's car stopped at the entrance of Baijing Palace.

The guards of the Presidential Palace wearing white gloves stepped forward and opened the door for them.

Shen Jingyu took the lead to get out of the car, stretched out his palm, and handed it to He Ning.

He Ning put his hands in his dry and warm palms, held on to him, and got out of the car.

The entrance is the magnificent Baijing Palace building, with the national flag of the Dragon Empire, solemn and sacred.

The vehicles passing by are so low-key that the brand cannot be seen.

But the license plate number of each car shows the noble status of the owner.

If He Ning has participated in gatherings with many entertainers and top industry leaders before, everyone who came here was all dressed up and extraordinary.

Then the people who appear in the presidential palace all carry a sense of arrogance, the kind of arrogance that is gentle on the surface, but in the bones, it is self-sufficient.

"Don't be afraid, Madam will not mention donating spinal cord to the He family tonight." Shen Jingyu relieved He Ning.

"I know." She nodded gently.

"You know?" Shen Jingyu looked at her with interest.

"I guess that she asked me to donate my spinal cord because she wanted to please the He family. But He Peishan is alive, and there is not much benefit to her. It is better to try another way to please the Shen family and the He family."

"The reason she proposed before was nothing more than to send a signal to the He family to tell the He family that she did her best, because we didn't give face."

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