Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 555: That name is a forbidden word in the presidential palace

Seeing the admiration in the darkness in his eyes, He Ning could not help but whispered softly, "I don't know if I'm right?"

"Quite right. The President's work is just a favor and no expense. She wants to save face, but she does not want to really offend anyone. If she has enough face, her goal will be achieved." Shen Jingyu followed her words. Go on.

He didn't expect He Ning to see this thoroughly.

He Ning is actually not stupid in these aspects, but she hasn't experienced it before, so she didn't bother to think about it.

Now in this environment, she has to think about it if she doesn't want to.

Shen Jingyu raised his arm, He Ning hesitated, put his palm on his arm, and walked into Baijing Palace like a still loving couple.

In addition to wanting to see her and accompany her, Shen Jingyu also wants to send a signal to the outside world.

No matter what happens, He Ning is the person he always cares about, no one should hurt her.

The crowd was almost there, and when Shen Jingyu and He Ning appeared, the eyes of the audience gathered on them.

Shen Jingyu is well-known, but because of the perennial garrison, he rarely participates in various activities.

Only when he came back occasionally, he was still close to Fu Hongxuan, and had less contact with other people.

He has a long jade body, a handsome figure, with the super-strong temperament of a soldier on his body, and his fierce eyes reveal the courage to kill.

His angular jaw also shows that he is a powerful man who refuses to be thousands of miles away.

Perfect and unparalleled, very handsome, but few women can withstand his stern look.

Many people were talking about him in whispers, with stars appearing in their eyes.

And the woman standing next to him appeared for the first time.

Everyone's eyes gathered on He Ning.

She is as soft as a delicate flower, with a pair of beautiful eyes looking forward to her appearance, beautiful but not charming, and generous, but she matches Shen Jingyu just right.

What is rare is that her eyebrows are gentle, and the atmosphere is everywhere.

He Ning's beauty is unforgettable.

Some people remembered the four golden flowers of Jingyuan back then. It seems that it has been many years, and no one can surpass them anymore.

Someone whispered those names.

Ding Qinen stood beside them and stopped with his gaze.

Someone immediately remembered that Feng Ling's name was a forbidden word in the presidential palace, and immediately shut up.

Seeing them appear, Jiang Xue came out first and said: "Jingyu, He Ning, it's rare for you to appreciate your face, come in quickly."

Shen Jingyu brought He Ning to her side. After the greeting, Jiang Xue called Fu Meirou over.

"It's rare for Jingyu to come over today, Rourou, and greet you. You guys of the same age have a topic together," Jiang Xue said.

Fu Meirou had also heard the rumors that Shen Jingyu and He Ning were separated, so she wanted to take this opportunity to invite them over.

However, looking at the appearance of Shen Jingyu and He Ning, it is rather affectionate.

She asked people to bring two glasses of red wine to Shen Jingyu and He Ning.

Shen Jingyu and He Ning took them.

Fu Meirou smiled appropriately and refreshed: "He Ning, when we meet for the first time, I respect you and wish you all grow old together."

Neither Shen Jingyu nor He Ning can drink, one is allergic and the other is pregnant.

But Fu Meirou was polite and thoughtful. Looking at them with a smile in her eyes, she took the lead in drinking a glass of red wine.

This kind of social occasion, Shen Jingyu and He Ning's failure to drink for no reason, it is impossible to justify.

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