Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 558: He Ning seems to be cheating

"Yes. I know she is really wrong, and I also know that I shouldn't plead for her. She is on the outskirts of Xishan, and she is not able to raise the old man. This is because Shen Jingyu didn't trouble her, if she really troubled her, She doesn't know how to live yet."

In Gu Yunchen's mind, this aunt is not a bad person, and has loved their brothers and sisters since childhood.

He really couldn't bear it.

He Ning said softly: "As long as she doesn't do bad things, no one will trouble her. Anning is achieved by her own practical actions."

"Okay, I understand. I will persuade her." Gu Yunchen said.


The person sent by Guanshi Pan did not find any special circumstances with He Ning.

But it brought back a message.

That is, there are many men with He Ning, including Gu Yunchen, Gu Yun, and Chu Zhuohang.

These men often come over, but they don't stay for too long, and they don't look unusual.

But... this is not all.

Because every night when people are quiet, there will be a figure near He Ning's window. It is obvious that it is a man.

The man sometimes stayed for a while and then left, sometimes even stayed all night before leaving at dawn.

"Manager Pan, this man is very strange." The person reported.

Guanshi Pan nodded: "I didn't expect this He Ning to do this kind of thing with Shen Jingyu behind his back. No wonder they will separate."

"Does Shen Jingyu know about this matter?"

The man whispered: "I don't know. If he knew, he would definitely not drag the divorce matter."

"Okay, I see, go down." Guan Shi said.

She is Jiang Xue's confidant and the most effective manager of the presidential palace, and Fu Meirou also grew up with her.

Fu Meirou knew Shen Jingyu's thoughts too well. She didn't have any chance before, but now there is a chance, how could she not grasp it?

Guan Shi inquired about a time when the old lady Shen was going to visit Shen Jingyu in the west of Portugal.

She also followed, and by the way invited Shen Jingyu's fifth aunt to go with her.

When that happens, he will personally block He Ning and other men on the bed.

Naturally, she is inconvenient for this kind of thing.

But this fifth aunt is the most thoughtless and fuss-like, and with her, everything will be foolproof.


The old lady Shen came to Portugal this time to persuade Shen Jingyu and He Ning.

She hopes that the two will think about marriage and children.

Sitting at Shen's house all afternoon, she was speechless in the living room with Shen Jingyu, she was also a little tired.

Shen Jingyu arranged for someone to take her to the hotel to rest.

As soon as the old lady Shen arrived at the hotel, Guan Shi Pan came to the door and said with a smile: "Old lady, what a coincidence. I came to Portugal to do something, but I didn't expect to meet you."

"Does Guan Shi have anything to do with me?" The old lady Shen said politely.

"I just met, so I came up to say hello. I also heard that He Ning had an accident this time and had a miscarriage, so I brought her some tonic from the Presidential Palace by the way." Pan Guanshi smiled.

She was supposed to take care of all aspects of the internal affairs between the Presidential Palace and various powerful families, so He Ning had a miscarriage, and she came to visit, which made sense.

Mrs. Shen said: "Then you have a heart."

"Aunt Fifth also accompany me." Guan Shi smiled.

The old lady Shen wanted to see He Ning too, and she was moved when she said: "Guan Shi, when you go, call me together. I also want to see the kid."

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