Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 559: There is an unidentified man upstairs

"Okay, old lady." Guan Shi showed a decent smile.


She had arranged for someone to guard He Ning's side to see if she could block the man in the room.

As long as the old lady catches He Ning's current situation, then, Shen Jingyu and He Ning's marriage, I am afraid that they will also have to divorce.

At night, the visitor reported to Guan Shi: "He Ning has fallen asleep, and the man turned the window and went in."

Manager Pan glanced at it, it was almost eight o'clock in the evening, and He Ning's cheating was really bold enough to steal.

No wonder she is living separately. Separation is really suitable for her to do this kind of activity outside.

Guan Shi immediately knocked on the door of Mrs. Shen's room, and went to He Ning's cottage with Aunt Wu.

The fifth aunt failed to give her goddaughter to Shen Jingyu, and she kept her breath in her heart.

This time Guan Shi Pan asked her to come to see He Ning, but she didn't want to.

However, I heard that He Ning had a miscarriage and separated from Shen Jingyu. She became proud again and wanted to see He Ning's joke.

When they arrived at He Ning's small villa, Sister Li saw them appear and said hurriedly: "Miss He has fallen asleep, I will ask her to get up."

Guan Shi said with a smile: "Since she is asleep, we don't need to ask her to get up. Let's sit down and leave."

Sister Li hurried to pour tea.

Greet the three to sit down.

Guan Shi put down the things he had brought from the presidential palace: "This is to replenish He Ning's body. She just miscarried. Please take good care of her."

The fifth aunt with a narrow mouth: "I used to say that she was a mother who didn't lay eggs, but now she can. But this body is weak and can't be saved. I don't know if our family Jingyu is dead or..."

"Shut up!" The old lady Shen said sharply.

The fifth aunt was very afraid of Mrs. Shen, so she shut up in a whisper.

The old lady Shen gave her a look, and the fifth aunt said: "Then I will go to the bathroom."

Although Mrs. Shen loves the five sons and his family, she is always stern and strict with the five daughters-in-law.

Guan Shi smiled and drank tea, as if he hadn't heard it.

When the fifth aunt went to the bathroom, she saw something dark outside. She seemed to have gone upstairs. She was shocked. Isn't this a thief?

In fact, this was the person Pan Guan arranged for the accident to let her see, just to make her speak loudly, so that Mrs. Shen found out that there was someone else in He Ning's room.

The fifth aunt hurriedly ran back and said: "It's not good, I saw a dark shadow going upstairs."

"Madam Fifth, you can eat things randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. There are many Jingyu people guarding here. Why is there a dark shadow going upstairs? Upstairs is He Ning's room." Manager Pan said.

In fact, I was reminding my fifth aunt about something.

"I really saw it! Either a thief or..." the fifth aunt said in a panic.

Manager Pan also became serious: "Fifth Madam, He Ning and Jingyu live here separately. If you say this, this is pour dirty water on He Ning."

The fifth aunt hated He Ning.

If it weren't for her, originally her goddaughter Yu Xinyan could marry Shen Jingyu, and her status in the Shen family could be greatly improved.

When Mr. Pan said this, the fifth aunt couldn’t help saying, “I’m not splashing dirty water. I saw it with my own eyes. I saw someone go upstairs with my own eyes. I don’t know if it was a thief or something... but I didn’t know that. It's from He Ningyue. How did He Ning separate from Jingyu? I think there must be something tricky in this!"

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