Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 567: Moved here for a few days

"Master, can you go back with us?" Although the man caught Gu Yun, his attitude was very good.

Gu Yun's face changed slightly.

A car parked on the side, the door opened, and Shen Jingyu got out of the car.

He strode to He Ning and Gu Yun.

He Ning couldn't help asking, "San Ye, what do you mean? Are these your people?"

"Gu's people are looking for Gu Yun, I just provided them with some clues." Shen Jingyu said.

"You!" He Ning couldn't help but feel annoyed. "You said you wouldn't be an enemy of Gu Yun!"

"I am not an enemy with him. Helping to find him is not because of your relationship with him." Shen Jingyu stepped aside, and a figure of a woman walked out of the car behind.

Wearing wide-leg trousers and sunglasses, walking with wind, it is elle.

She walked up to He Ning and said with a smile: "He Ning, I just came to take Gu Yun home. My dad was in a state of illness recently and wanted to see his son, isn't it right?"

"Gu Yun is..."

"My brother." Elle smiled and took off his sunglasses. "The Gu family has always made him sloppy, and he can't stay sloppy like this. Gu Yun, don't you?"

Gu Yun looked at her: "I don't want to accept the family business."

"But father is sick, don't you go back and see?" elle's voice became serious.

She said to the people around her: "Take the young master home."

He glanced at He Ning: "He Ning, see you next time."

Gu Yun said helplessly to He Ning: "Sorry He Ning, I promised you..."

"It doesn't matter, you go back first, your own business is the most important." He Ning watched him leave.

When elle's car left far away, He Ning hadn't even taken his gaze back.

Shen Jingyu looked at her and said, "Gu Yun is about Elle's younger brother. I also found out when Elle found him today."

"Gu Yun is the son of Xiaosan, and he is not welcome in the Gu's house, so he came out and planned to start a new life on his own. In fact, Elle treats him very seriously."

"After he returned, it was no accident that he took over the family business."

He Ning knew that she had misunderstood Shen Jingyu, and said, "Then he won't come back?"

"Do you really want him to come back?" Shen Jingyu's scrutiny gaze flew around her.

"I...I just have business dealings with him." He Ning said.

However, thinking of the things that happened to Gu Yun, she suddenly became meaningless. She did have a trace of anxiety.

Taking a deep breath, there was a smile on her face, as Doctor Gu said, no matter what happens, she must face it with a smile.

Seeing her eyes flashing and smiling, Shen Jingyu stretched out her hand, before touching her chin, a voice interrupted him.

"He Ning!" Ye Shu ran over with a pile of documents.

Shen Jingyu retracted his finger uncomfortably.

Ye Shu ran up and greeted Shen Jingyu before going to talk to He Ning.

Shen Jingyu had to control his emotions, and when Ye Shu finished speaking, he would always have the opportunity to be alone with He Ning again.

But Ye Shu didn't mean to stop at all. He bit his ears with He Ning, and he couldn't finish talking.

There happened to be something on Shen Jingyu's side, and he had to take a step first.

He Ning and Ye Shu didn't feel the pressure around them until he left.

"Ye Ye, can I move in to live with you for a few days?" Ye Shu asked.

"Sure. But what's wrong with you?"

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