Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 568: Interrupt He Birong's legs

"He Yiming is looking for me... I don't want to be alone with him, and I don't want to be with him... Anyway, I don't want to have any intersection with him. So I want to hide for two days. I heard that for a few days, he will stay in the army for a while. Yes, I will move out in two days."

Hening took her hand: "Live with me, you can stay as many days as you want."

"Okay, I also want to accompany my little niece more." Ye Shu said happily.

When Shen Jingyu came back from work in the evening, he went to He Ning's room as usual.

Habit is really a terrible thing, not in her night, lonely swept, sleepless all night.

As soon as he was about to leave, Qin Zheng hurriedly followed up: "San Ye, today Miss Ye lives with the young lady, and she shares a room with the young lady."

"Why?" Shen Jingyu was exasperated.

"I heard that it was because General He was looking for Miss Ye, and Miss Ye wanted to avoid it."

Shen Jingyu said angrily, "What's the matter with He Yiming, can't even deal with a woman?"

So he couldn't go to see He Ning either.

Qin Zheng looked at him speechlessly, speaking of which, is he not much better?

Brothers and sisters, don't despise anyone.

"Where is He Yiming?" Shen Jingyu asked.

"I heard that I just went to the nursing home on the outskirts of Xishan. It seems that Birong He met the housekeeper Luo, and he passed by."

He Birong sees Butler Luo?

Shen Jingyu only then remembered that He Ning had an accident, and He Birong had not paid the price.

So soon, she wants to see Steward Luo again?

"Go, interrupt He Birong's legs. Let her never get out of Xishan's nursing home again." Shen Jingyu squeezed his eyebrows.

Fortunately for her, He Ning was still alive and came back well.

Otherwise, she is far from being as simple as breaking two legs.

Qin Zheng immediately responded.


He Birong lives in the Xishan Nursing Home.

She originally had a lot of people at her disposal. Over the years, she has gained a good reputation for herself, loved by her elders and respected by her younger generations.

Even the subordinates all respect her and let her be driven.

But things changed after He Ning's accident.

After she broke her rib, she was sent to Xishan Nursing Home, and many of her subordinates could not be contacted.

It took a lot of energy to force Shen Jingyu in the media. Who knew that Shen Jingyu not only didn't care, but in turn made He Peishan suffer infamy because of the necklace.

Hearing He Peishan jumped off the building, she was anxious and decided to fight with He Ning for the last time.

Who knew that I just met Steward Luo, the Shen family didn't say anything, He Yiming came to stop him.

After He Yiming left, she was so angry that she vomited a few mouthfuls of blood.

This is her nephew! It was her nephew, whom she had loved for more than 20 years, who refused to help even Shanshan for a He Ning!

The waiter was not very dedicated, so it took a long time to take a towel and wipe her, and said, "Miss, I advise you to start, don't think so much, heal your wounds and go back sooner."

"You don't have to worry about it!" He Birong swept all the things on the table to the ground, "Get all out, get out all!"

"But we took care of you according to the wife's intention..." Otherwise, who would think that she would take care of a woman with a terrible temper?

They have all heard that Bi Rong He has a good temper and is good to everyone, but because of a tantrum against them, everyone has opinions in their hearts.

"Don't take care of you! Get out of me all!" He Birong shouted.

Can't protect your own daughter, what good is it for you to be alive?

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