Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 587: You must be wrong

"Sometimes I feel like vomiting, but I can't vomit it out, and people feel very uncomfortable, and the world turns around." He Ning gave a wry smile.

"I'll check it for you in a moment to see if there is low blood sugar. If it does, remember to bring sugar on your body at all times." Gu Yunchen said with concern.

He Ning nodded. He didn't want him to hold on, but he was weak and had to trouble him.

When she returned to the office, Gu Yunchen took some simple measurements for her and said, "Everything else is fine, but the blood sugar is indeed low. Remember to bring sugar next time."

"Thank you." He Ning smiled.

I remembered that I used to help Shen Jingyu bring sugar, but I forgot to come to myself.

"In a few days, I'll go to the hospital again. Some examinations still have to be done in the hospital. The hospital has the equipment."

"Okay. Then you can make an appointment for me... when Shen Jingyu is away. I'm afraid he will find out."

Gu Yunchen nodded: "Then take care of yourself, I'm leaving."

Just as he was about to leave, Shen Jingyu's phone came after him.

"What's He Ning? I didn't see He Ning?" Gu Yunchen winked at the phone.

He Ning also stood up nervously.

"Really not, you must have read it wrong." Gu Yunchen lip-synched to He Ning and said goodbye, and hurriedly walked out.

Secretly murmured, does Shen Jingyu have a dog nose? He only came here for a short while before he discovered it.

Gu Yunchen walked to the gate of He Ning Company and was still denying it. Feeling the sound in the phone was a bit strange, he turned his head subconsciously.

Shen Jingyu was standing behind... he immediately retracted his phone: "I said why your voice is so close, it turns out that you are talking behind me. Hehehe."

"Didn't you say you didn't see He Ning?"

"I...that, Shen Jingyu, you think the weather today is really good, look at the clouds over there..."

"What am I going to ask you. What did you see He Ning do?" Shen Jingyu stared at him without any deviation.

Gu Yunchen failed to change the subject, so she had to say, "It's just to check her body. What else can you do? Don't you think I can still move your corner?"

"Forgive you for not dare." Shen Jingyu snorted.

"You are quite confident." Gu Yunchen also groaned.

"You see He Ning, what are you doing?"

Gu Yunchen's mind quickly turned to a reason: "She hasn't received enough rest after the abortion, and she has been a little unwell. I will help her look at the conditioning."

A touch of pity flashed between Shen Jingyu's eyebrows.

When Gu Yunchen saw that he had flicked him over, he said with confidence, "If you can't believe me, you can change someone else."

"Just you." Compared to others, Gu Yunchen is more credible.

"Then I would be disrespectful." Gu Yunchen agreed.

Shen Jingyu raised her eyes and glanced at the direction of He Ning's office, faintly worried about her body.

After Gu Yunchen separated from Shen Jingyu, he drove to the Xishan Nursing Home.

When the people in the nursing home saw him coming, their attitudes became more respectful: "Doctor Gu."

"Where does my aunt live?"

"Inside, Doctor Gu, please." Someone greeted him in.

As soon as Gu Yunchen entered the door, he found that it was messy, and there was a stench that was obvious that he had been sick all year round and no one cleaned it up in time.

"How do you do things? Can't someone come to serve you?" Seeing this situation, Gu Yunchen was extremely angry.

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