Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 588: I can not help you

"It's not that we didn't take care of it, but Miss He refused. She prevented us from passing..."

Gu Yunchen waved his hand: "Let's go."

The man hurriedly left.

He Birong was shrunk in the bed, not seeing the sunlight for a long time, the sunlight coming in after the door opened, made her backhand to cover her eyes.

Gu Yunchen realized that even the curtains were tightly closed and did not open.

She was injured, and most needed good care, and now, all this is a mess...

"Get out! Who let you in?" He Birong roared.

She was proud of her life. When she was young, she was one of the four golden flowers. She was also the eldest lady of the He family. She wanted the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain. Now she has broken her legs and does not want to see anyone.

"Auntie, it's me." Gu Yunchen said, opening the curtains and letting in the sunlight and fresh air.

"Yunchen?" He Birong smiled bitterly, her eyes finally adjusted to the light, and she looked at Gu Yunchen, "You came to see me?"

"Auntie, how can you let someone take care of it? You need someone to take care of you most now."

He Birong smiled more ugly than crying: "Then, out there, who really wants to take care of me? They all want me to die. If they really want to take care of me, they won't let me be interrupted. Up."

Gu Yunchen looked at her helplessly: "Auntie, you need medicine and food. I will show you your legs."

"No! You don't need to see it! I will see it myself!" She didn't want her wounds to be seen.

Gu Yunchen sighed and took out the medicine: "I know you have good medical skills, and the medicine is here. You can use it yourself."

He Birong stayed for a while, then said: "After I broke my leg, you were the first to see me. I usually take care of so many juniors, but when I heard that I had a conflict with Shen Jingyu, no one wanted to come. coming."

Gu Yunchen wanted to say that they weren't afraid of Shen Jingyu, but because what you did to He Ning was too much.

But seeing the knotted hair, He Birong, who was a teenager, didn't say anything.

"You are a rare conscientious one."

"They are busy with things. Yiming went to help find the spinal cord. Baoyan has a course abroad, and Shanshan is not in good health... You have to take care."

He Birong suddenly grabbed Gu Yunchen's hand, her hand withered like a dead branch in winter.

She said, "Yunchen, can you help auntie? Yunchen, you are my most beloved nephew, can you help me out?"

"Auntie, it's my duty to help."

"You go get Hening's spinal cord, and you help Shanshan perform the operation. Yunchen, please, I can’t help Shanshan anymore in the way I am. Please help me. Please, Yunchen, you You can definitely help me!"

Gu Yunchen took her hand that was as dry as a branch, and said solemnly every word: "Auntie, I can't help you."

"Why? Why? I am your most respected elder, you are my most beloved nephew, Shanshan needs you!" He Birong's tears and nose followed, where is the usual grace and luxury?

Although Gu Yunchen couldn't bear it, he still insisted: "Auntie, don't say that donating spinal cord must get the consent of the person involved, let alone..."

"What's more?"

Gu Yunchen wanted to say that He Ning was pregnant, but he didn't say that this kind of secret is no longer convenient for anyone to know.

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