Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 591: Full of thoughts

Qin Zheng said: "Yes, that He Jiaojiao was indeed left by the third master. She said she wanted to help the third master, how could the third master refuse?"

"This..." Sister Li is about to faint, what is this?

Isn't this sticking a knife into Hening's heart?

Qin Zheng said, "She is working as a cow and a horse in the parking lot. Sister Li, would you like to go and see?"

Sister Li walked suspiciously towards the parking lot. How could this serve San Ye in the parking lot? Could it be...

She walked over and saw a woman in a tuxedo washing the car over there grunting.

And it wasn't San Ye's luxury cars, San Ye's things that made her feel dirty when she touched them.

It's the cars used by Sanye's subordinates.

"That's He Jiaojiao?" Sister Li asked strangely.

"Didn't she say that she is willing to be a cow and a horse for the third master? Then do it. I am the master and promised her on behalf of the third master." Qin Zheng stood by with a smile.

Sister Li couldn't help laughing immediately.

Qin Zheng said to He Jiaojiao: "Miss He, after these cars are washed, the flowers in the backyard will be watered. I thank you for Sanye and Jiushu."

"Also, we have a training ground where a group of military dogs need to clean the kennels. They are not heavy, so they will clean up their feces..."

Qin Zheng said it leisurely, but He Jiaojiao had the desire to die when he heard it.

Wearing exquisite makeup and high-priced customized clothes, she came to make a cow and a horse for Shen Jingyu, but she didn't want to be this kind of cow, this kind of horse.

Who knows that the Shen family really treats her like a cow.

Qin Zheng took a few photos and sent them to her: "If the young lady is not at ease, let her take a look at this time."

Sister Li accepted it contentedly and asked, "Where are the three grandpas?"

"Well...that...work." Qin Zheng said, his lips twitched, guessing that San Ye must be in He Ning's room at this time?

It seems that there is great hope for the two to remarry.

Oh, I haven't officially left yet, so reconciliation is just around the corner.

Shen Jingyu did go to He Ning's room, and when she had the opportunity, let her accompany her for a while, and also with her for a while.

The fatigue caused by pregnancy and Shen Jingyu's company at night make He Ning always sleep well.

Although before going to bed last night, he was shocked by Mrs. He's words, and He Ning went to bed full of thoughts.

However, she still slept well. Such a sense of security allowed her to sleep peacefully all night even in a dark or rainy night.

When I got downstairs, Sister Li brought up her breakfast with joy and said, "Miss He, I saw someone looking at the photo just now, I also showed you some."

"What photo?" He Ning brought the food and ate in small bites.

"This, you see, it's so funny. Someone is washing the car in haute couture clothes." Sister Li presented the photo, "This can be on the funny list."

Sister Li and Qin Zheng, these two super big assists, could not blatantly come out to assist directly, so they can only save the country by curve.

He Ning took a closer look, isn't this He Jiaojiao?

He Jiaojiao rolled up her sleeves and her hair was messy. If it wasn't for the beautiful clothes on her body, He Ning would have thought she was a car washer.

And that car wash, isn't the villa where Shen Jingyu lives?

"When is this photo?" He Ning asked.

"It seems to be last night. There are still more this morning." Sister Li offered a few more.

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