Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 592: Are twins

These photos are even more funny. He Jiaojiao, whose clothes are in a mess, was already wet with sweat. She was carrying the feces in the kennel, and was about to pour, with feces on her face and hands.

In this way, where is the slightest feeling of the usual arrogant lady? I don't know, I thought it was an aunt who was overwhelmed by the burden of life.

This photo is really a tasteful photo. He Ning was suffering from morning sickness, and when he saw this photo, he was about to vomit.

She also understood in her heart that this was how Shen Jingyu wanted He Jiaojiao to be a horse.

This man is too dark, right?

Seeing that He Ning was covering her mouth and was about to vomit, Sister Li quickly put away the photo: "I'm sorry Miss He, I forgot you are eating, and I shouldn't show you this kind of heavy-tasting photos."

"It's okay." He Ning handed the photo back to her, and the uncomfortable feelings that had been pressed in my heart last night disappeared.

Holding the spoon, I couldn't help but think to myself, is it true that I still can't let go of Shen Jingyu?

Pay attention to his every move, and don't even want him to have other women.

She bit her lip and gradually became a little lost.

After breakfast, He Ning went to the hospital.

I heard that Shen Jingyu was going to the military area to handle the matter today, so Gu Yunchen called and asked her to check.

He borrowed equipment from a friend’s hospital, and checked it with He Ning himself.

"I mainly check the fetus's heartbeat and other information. Don't be nervous." Gu Yunchen asked her to lie down.

He Ning let out a soft breath and lay down.

Gu Yunchen's instrument was placed on her lower abdomen.

No signs of pregnancy can be seen on the flat lower abdomen.

However, soon, He Ning heard a muffled buzzing sound coming from the instrument, a bit like a heartbeat, and a bit like an electric wave.

"Listen, it's the baby's heartbeat!" Gu Yunchen reminded He Ning.

The smile on the corner of He Ning's lips widened: "Really?"

When the unfamiliar drumbeat sounded in his ears, He Ning's eyes were covered with mist.

This is her child!

This is the heartbeat of a child.

No amount of hard work and exhaustion disappear at this moment, and everything is worth it.

"No..." Gu Yunchen's brows suddenly became serious.

"What's wrong with Doctor Gu?"

"Heartbeat seems to be two," Gu Yunchen said, "Let me listen to it again."

"What do the two mean? Isn't it good?" He Ning's fingers squeezed into a fist, and his heart throbbed.

Gu Yunchen smiled: "It's really two! If two, they are twins!"

"Really? Are they twins?" He Ning's eyes suddenly came alive.

It turns out that there are two of her children!

It was not in vain that she painstakingly protected them, it turned out that they belonged to her two little children.

Although their father did not want them, and although their existence was not blessed, she did not regret it!

Never regret the other things that I gave up for them.

Thinking of Shen Jingyu, her heart seemed to fade, like a movie that ended, only dissipating in the long corridor of time and space.

"It should be correct. The fetal heart rate shows two. But I still need to check for you to be sure. I will accompany you to another examination room."

He Ning followed, filled with the sweetness of the two children in his heart, other emotions became calm, and his footsteps were firm and strong.

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