Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 594: You are different from them

"No, I ran into her at the entrance of the hospital." Ye Shu didn't mention He Ning's pregnancy.

He Yiming thought of He Ning, but didn't know what was going on. After she came back, the heartache he had experienced gradually disappeared.

He asked the doctor privately, and the doctor told him that it was just because he was too tired during the rescue and there was no other problem.

"Is she okay?" He Yiming asked, finding that he could not help but care about He Ning.

Ye Shu also found out that he would often ask Hening, his mouth curled, and pointed at him and said, "You tell me honestly, are you still making a bad idea?"

"I'll tell you He Yiming, if you really still have the idea of ​​using He Ning to treat your sister's illness, the two of us are really over. This is my bottom line. You can't trample on it."

He Yiming grabbed the finger she was waving in front of her and brought it to her lips: "Never."

He looked at her intently and put a kiss on her finger.

Ye Shu's face immediately became hot.

"Go to a place with me at night." He Yiming said.

"Your legs are not complete yet, where are you going?"

"It's all skin injuries. You'll know when you go."

In the evening, Ye Shu followed He Yiming suspiciously to a dilapidated house.

Inside is a pair of honest and friendly couples, who look like they are in their sixties.

But when they took out their ID cards, Ye Shu saw that they were only in their forties.

I don't know what makes them so old.

"What are we doing to meet them?" Ye Shu asked curiously.

He Yiming lowered his voice and said, "This woman is seriously ill. The doctor diagnosed that she is incurable and will not survive for a year. It just so happens that her spinal cord and some organs are in line with Shan Shan. Although the degree of conformity is not as good as He Ning That’s good, but it’s better than what you’ve never found."

"On this one that meets the conditions a little, it is also obtained by screening millions of points of information."

"I am here today to sign a contract with her to ask her to transfer the body to me after the death of illness. According to the contract, I will bear the follow-up education and living expenses of their two children and provide for the husband and two children after graduation. jobs."

Ye Shu felt sad for a while.

No wonder this couple looks so much older than their actual age. It turns out that illness and poverty make them like this.

When they left, He Yiming gave them another sum of money.

After going out, Ye Shu felt better in his heart when he breathed the outside air.

The atmosphere just now was too depressing.

He Yiming took the contract and squeezed it in his hand.

Ye Shu took the initiative to hold his hand and turned his head to look at him: "You are different from the other people in the He family."

"Some people ignore their lives and can sacrifice anyone else for their own benefit. But you are different..."

Perhaps this was the reason why she couldn't let go of He Yiming anyway.

He is so different from He Birong and the others, they have principles in doing things, but never give up the bottom line.

He Yiming's voice was a little low: "But that is my family after all. I have to bear the responsibility that I should bear."

Ye Shu understood what he was thinking, as long as he didn't allow them to mess around, she could accept it.

He Yiming called He Birong: "Auntie, I have found a suitable spinal cord for Shanshan. Then, that person will donate the entire body to us."

"Really? Who is it? Where is the person?" He Birong has been in a good mood after so many days.

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