Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 595: Pretending to be very grateful

"I have arranged for someone to take care of him, and the doctor also diagnosed that he will not live for a year. But you don't need to know where the person is. I will arrange it when that happens."

He Birong asked anxiously: "You tell me where she is, I just have a thought. Are you afraid that I will find her in advance? I won't, I'm not that stupid."

"Auntie, I'm all here, so don't ask more." He Yiming hung up the phone.

Ye Shu gave him a thumbs up: "Smart!"

If she told He Birong, she would definitely act in advance, even depriving others of their final chance of survival.

This family is not He Ning, someone is protected, but can't stand her toss.

He Yiming also told He Peishan and Lan Xi the same news.

Lan Xi was overjoyed, and finally showed a hint of joy on his frowning face for many days.

He Peishan was overjoyed: "That means I will be able to operate in a year? Then I will be fine?"

"Yes, your elder brother said so. Your elder brother really spent too much time and energy to find suitable donors this time. At that time, you have to thank your elder brother." Lan Xi smiled.

He Peishan nodded: "That's for sure."

But in my heart, I felt a little dissatisfied with my mother and elder brother.

Now they are lucky to find this. In case they don't find it, will they just leave it alone, and let He Ning stay ill without touching a finger?

She sneered from the bottom of her heart, but on the surface she pretended to be very grateful.

Lan Xi has been distressed by her daughter for 20 years, how could she have thought that her heart was already as distorted as He Birong?

She didn't know what her daughter was thinking, and she felt very distressed. She took care of her with all her best efforts.


He Jiaojiao wanted to be a horse for Shen Jingyu, but she didn't even see Shen Jingyu, and Qin Zheng arranged to do three days of hard work.

She actually had a chance to leave, but she didn't dare to offend the cronies around Sanye, so she couldn't hold on for three days.

For three days, it made her miserable, and she had to work hard.

Seeing that He Jiaojiao hadn't come back for three days, Mrs. He didn't think about other aspects separately. What she was thinking in her heart was that this time the thing would definitely be done!

As long as He Jiaojiao becomes married, will he be connected to another in-law relationship with San Ye?

She happily took her seven aunts and eight aunts and neighbors straight to Shen Jingyu's villa.

"Lady He, your He family is well developed this time, so He Ning will not say anything about it. You are the one who brought you up with Jiaojiao. You won't be able to take you to Jingyuan to enjoy the good fortune?"

"And your grandson, you must have followed Jiaojiao. This is really eye-catching!"

"It's still blessed that Mrs. He is a winner in life. Let's go and take a look."

Don't mention how beautiful it is in Mrs. He's heart.

Although his family is usually pretty good, he always lives with his son and daughter-in-law. Where has there been such a time of elation?

"When we Jiaojiao will marry into Shen's family, everyone will come to the wedding. Come and come!" said Mrs. He.

The sound of compliments all around made Granny He float up.

Before reaching Shen Jingyu's villa, he passed He Ning's small villa first.

Old lady He deliberately wanted to stand up in front of He Ning, and with a noisy woman, she went straight over there.

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