Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 597: Someone will listen to her again

"Yeah, our Jiaojiao is the person Sanye liked. After the divorce between Sanye and He Ning, he became attached to Jiaojiao...I will really have to invite everyone to have a wedding drink in a few days. "Lady He said with a smile, Zhi satisfied.

He Ning’s granddaughter’s blessing, I didn’t enjoy it at all, but He Jiaojiao was different. Jiaojiao was in her own pain, so why not just follow and enjoy the Shen family’s blessing?

"I'm jealous……"

"Grandma He is so lucky..."

"That's right, the other party is Jingyuan Shen's family!"

Compliments were endless, and Mrs. He was floating.

At this moment, the soldiers led a disheveled, smelly person to them.

Old lady He clutched her nose: "It smells so bad, what is this?"

"Yes, yes, why does it smell like shit?" someone followed.

Mrs. He waved her hand in disgust: "Hurry up and take this or something away, I'm almost fainted by the smell."

The soldier said, "This is He Jiaojiao you're looking for. You can quickly bring the people back and tell them what you want to do for the third master. It's messing up with us, and nothing has been done yet. Let's clean up the mess."

"How could this be our Jiaojiao? Don't talk nonsense. My Jiaojiao is young and beautiful. That's someone who Sanye likes..." Where would Mrs. He admit that this stinky woman is He Jiaojiao?

He just heard He Jiaojiao cry: "Grandma!"

Pounced towards Granny He.

Old He was taken aback: "Jiaojiao? What's the matter with you? How did you make this virtue?"

"They pulled me to be a cow and a horse, let me wash the car and wash the toilet to shovel the **** of these dogs, oh oh oh oh... you take me back soon." He Jiaojiao cried miserably.

The smell came out, and people couldn't help covering their noses.

The seven aunts and eight aunts all around couldn't help but burst into laughter for a while: "Hahahaha, I was told by the third master to shovel shit."

"It's really funny, it's really the third master's fancy hahahaha."

Old lady He was anxious, how could I think of bringing so many people here, not seeing He Jiaojiao's scenery, but seeing her embarrassed instead?

He Jiaojiao burst into tears.

Mrs. He has a dull face, so she can only take He Jiaojiao home first.

As a result, none of the seven aunts and eight aunts who came with him refused to let He Jiaojiao ride in his own car.

He Jiaojiao couldn't get a taxi at all in this way, and Mrs. He finally got the eldest son's company to pick her and He Jiaojiao back.

After He Jiaojiao went back, she found Granny He crying and making trouble.

"I think this arrangement must have been made by He Ning. San Ye had no time to take care of such trivial matters, so she instructed San Ye's cronies to stumble you." Old lady He was heartbroken with anger!

If this matter is not returned today, she can hardly swallow this breath.

"Yes, it must be her. I really didn't expect that everyone in the family would treat us like this. It's no wonder that the second uncle and the family had to grab the property from her in the past." He Jiaojiao complained and took a few baths. , I can't get rid of the smell on my body.

Mrs. He thought for a while, and said, "He Ning is also relying on the fact that he still has a family business, and San Ye's cronies are still holding her. If she takes her family business away, she will do everything. No, someone will listen to her again?"

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