Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 598: He Ning is not of He family blood!

"But even the second uncle's family has lost the lawsuit, how can you **** her family business back?" He Jiaojiao said, shaking her head.

"He Ning, like her mother, turned her elbow out. I don't think she belongs to our He family. Let's check it in the hospital. If it is not, then it's easy to say..." Mrs. He back then I don't like the daughter-in-law of Ms. Ning, because she is too shrewd and capable to give birth to a son.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this He Ning was nothing like her own kind, that kind of peculiar brows, and that arrogant look that didn't listen to her own words, he was not a member of the He family at all!

He Jiaojiao asked, "What if she is from our He family..."

"Yes or not. It would be great if it was not." After thinking about it, Mrs. He went straight to the hospital.

He Ning was hospitalized when he was sick before, and there are some blood samples kept in the hospital for subsequent use.

Mrs. He relied on her close relative status to easily obtain these blood samples.

Then, she asked someone to test the DNA of He Ning and the He family.

She is actually not sure that He Ning is definitely not her own home, but the benefits that He Ning can get, and her grandson can't get it, then she must find a way to make He Ning not have it either.

A few days later, the hospital invited the old lady and gave her the inspection report: "The owner of the blood sample you want to check does not have any relationship with you. It is certain that she is not your granddaughter."

"Okay! Ning Wan, a **** woman! Our He family treated her well, she actually carried her life on her back as a wild species!" He was so angry that her nose was smoking.

She took the test report angrily and found He Hongtao: "Hongtao, take a look, take a look! Take a look at the little **** you married! I simply didn't take you or the He family in his eyes."

After He Ning's wedding, He Hongtao had already taken it lightly and said, "Mom, it's okay to find something less."

"Where is it called okay? Look, He Ning is not your daughter at all!"

He Hongtao took it, and after reading it: "Where did you get it?"

"I got it in the hospital, where else! I was a bit suspicious before, why this Hening is not close to our family, but now I can see through, she is a wild species at all! I am really mad at me. I'm furious!"

He Hongtao felt humiliated when he thought of this.

Originally, he had no affection for Ning Wan and He Ning because of the matter of marrying Xiaosan, but he still endured so many years of humiliation for the matter of Xiaosan.

"Well, you Ning Wan, call me irresponsible! What about yourself! You have done this kind of abuse!" He Hongtao's self-esteem as a man was blown to the ground, and he hated it.

Chen Fufen also became happy: "If there is a mother, there must be a daughter! Both mother and daughter are not good people!"

He Hongtao immediately rushed out and said, "I have to kill this wild species today!"

Mrs. He said: "I'll go with you! Let's find He Ning together! We have to figure this out!"

Thinking that He Ning and Shen Jingyu are now separated anyway, He Hongtao's confidence is much stronger.

A humiliation prompted him to hit the door directly.

The three of them came to He Ning's small villa in unison, rushing in with their teeth and claws.

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