Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 599: I'm afraid you are just like your mother.

After lunch break, He Ning was having afternoon tea in the living room.

Gu Yunchen confessed that she is pregnant with twins. Even if she can't eat, she still has some food.

Sister Li seemed unable to stop hearing the noise outside.

He Ning took a look outside, and Granny He's loud voice had already rushed into her ears.

She said to Sister Li: "Let them in first."

Noisy and yelling is not a thing, she wants to see what these people want to do.

He Hongtao rushed in with red eyes, glaring at He Ning as if seeing an enemy.

He Ning didn't stand up at all, and didn't look at him from the corner of his eye.

She has had enough of these people, let alone treat them as elders to respect, that is to say they are human, she feels reluctant.

Seeing this, Sister Li was so scared that she immediately called Shen Jingyu.

After all, there are bodyguards here. He Hongtao didn't dare to mess around. He Ning slowly drank a glass of milk before saying, "What are you looking for?"

"He Ning, I am coming today, and I must give you a lesson in this wild species!" He Hongtao was anxious, his wife stole people behind her back, and gave birth to a seed that was not her own.

His humiliation can be imagined!

He Ning said strangely: "Wild species? Are you afraid that you are not talking about yourself?"

He Hongtao said with an aura: "If it weren't for your grandmother to check it out, and I haven't found out, you are not my seed. It turns out that you are the child of Ning Wan's life! Your mother and daughter are really hard to hide me!"

Mrs. He was also anxious and frustrated: "It's no wonder that you will be driven out by the third master. I'm afraid you are just like your mother, not clean!"

Just after speaking, an empty cup slammed into the face of the old lady He, hitting her and fell to the ground.

He Hongtao hurriedly helped her up. As soon as Mrs. He stood up, she was about to come up to fight He Ning.

Several bodyguards immediately stepped forward to protect He Ning.

When Mrs. He saw that the situation was not right, she dared not go any further, she just cursed, "You are so used to being arrogant! Today I have to take care of you!"

He Ning threw the cup. She just drank the milk and threw it over when she heard Mrs. He's rude words. Mrs. He's face was smashed with a purple and blue color, glowing with blood.

He Ning sneered and said, "You can scold me, but you can't scold my mother!"

"You dare to beat your own grandmother! Is there any Wang Fa, or a tutor?" Old lady He exclaimed dryly.

"That's funny. You said that I'm not your child, so what kind of grandma are you? Tutor, my tutor is not good, isn't it also your tutor?"

"You, you, you!" Mrs. He continued to say a few words for you, but you didn't know why.

Chen Fufen did not have the anger of Old Lady He and Hongtao He, so he was more rational in thinking about problems.

She said: "He Ning, this is the test report that the old lady went to the doctor to check. You are not the child of He's family. It can be seen that your mother cheated and gave birth to you."

After she finished speaking, she threw a report on the ground.

Sister Li came back after the phone call and saw that the matter was important, she picked it up and handed it to He Ning: "Miss He, please have a look."

He Ning pushed away, did not look, and said calmly: "It turns out that I am really not a child of the He family. This is exactly what I want. I have been thinking about why there is such a big gap between us, and now I finally understand the reason. Up."

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