Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 600: Psychological shadow caused by derailment

Seeing He Ning's attitude, Sister Li also felt quite relieved. She threw the thing on the ground and stepped on her feet. After poking at the people in the He family, she turned to He Ning and said, "Congratulations, Miss He."

He Hongtao and others were even more angry when they saw their attitude.

He Hongtao said with an aura: "Okay, no wonder you have been at odds with me over the years. It turns out that you have long been longing for not being my daughter. You are not expecting to be my daughter in one day or two days."

"If it's good to be your daughter, why isn't it? Why am I wrong, don't you know the reason?" He Ning retorted.

Old lady He pointed to her: "He Ning, do you still know a little bit of shame?"

"I don't understand, but I won't let my granddaughter cling to the rich and powerful by betraying my body in exchange for wealth; I don't understand, but I also know that I won't bully the weak and take power; I don't understand, but I don't. Will go to other people's homes to go wild, stand in other people's living rooms, yelling!"

Chen Fufen motioned to Mrs. He to stop talking, and took the words and said: "He Ning, your mother made a mistake during her marriage cheating. Although she is dead, at least half of her inheritance should belong to your dad. So, You must return half of the company you are holding to your dad!"

She has a clear mind, just for her family property.

She went straight to the subject, without procrastination.

"You are here for the family property?"

"It's not that we want property. It's these property, you don't deserve it! Your mother's inheritance should have your father's share. Since your mother is sorry for your father, you should take out more and share it. Give your dad as compensation!" Chen Fufen said.

Mrs. He also reacted: "That's right, He Ning, you have to divide the company and the family property in half, and compensate your dad to make up for the psychological shadow that your mom's derailment caused to your dad!"

"What if you say no?" He Ning watched these ugly performances amused.

"If you don't, don't blame us for being impolite!" Old lady He rolled up her sleeves, and had long wanted to give He Ning a predicament. Now that she is not her own granddaughter, there is no burden to continue the fight.

She walked over to He Ning, and Chen Fufen pushed her to He Ning while persuading her, adding to the flames, wishing to cause something to happen.

They are not too afraid of the Shen family anymore. After all, He Ning and Shen Jingyu are separated, and they probably don't care much about He Ning anymore.

He Ning looked at Chen Fufen, who was smarter than before, smiled and said to the bodyguards around him: "Did you hear that, these three have no blood relationship with me. They trespassed in my residence, so why don't they call me out? "

The bodyguards shouldn't have really stopped He Hongtao and Granny He just now, after all, they couldn't bear the responsibility if they got hurt.

But now I heard what He Ning said, since these people have no blood relationship with He Ning, what else would you dare not start?

Immediately, grabbed a few of them and dragged them out.

Before they were driven out, they were all politely driven out. This time, they were actually driven out, especially He Hongtao, who was thrown out directly.

When they touched a hard nail, they were not convinced and rushed forward.

But where can the bodyguards of the iron tower be able to rush away?

On the contrary, he fell into a bruised face and swollen face.

In the midst of the noise, a military vehicle stopped in front of them.

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