Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 602: I came prepared

Shen Jingyu's arms were empty, and her heart was empty.

"I still want to eat cake, will you eat it?" she asked calmly.

Shen Jingyu suddenly felt flustered for no reason, as if she was afraid that she would treat herself the same way to the He family, and become indifferent.

He reached out and took He Ning's hand.

There was a smile in her eyebrows, that kind of joyful smile, but a little alienated.

"He Ning..." Shen Jingyu approached her, getting closer and closer until she kissed her lips.

After a cherished kiss, he stopped, only willing to stay in time and stay here.


Originally, He Ning thought that the He family knew a little bit of shame, so let this matter go.

I don't know, when she first arrived at the company, Gong Yunxi sent her a court summons: "He Ning, look at what this is."

"Subpoena? What did I commit?" He Ning opened it and took a look. It turned out that the He family sued her and Ning Wan and sued Ning Wan for derailment during marriage. He Ning is not related to the He family, but Ning Wan is based on it. Husband and wife are obliged to divide He Ning’s property in half to He Hongtao.

"It's really shameless." He Ning said.

"What's the matter?" Gong Yunxi took it from He Ning and looked at it again. "This is too shameless? What does this family think?"

Ye Shu also ran over, and after knowing the situation, he cursed: "Damn! It's disgusting, **** open the door to disgusting—disgusting is home!"

He Ning smiled and said: "It's okay, anyway, I'm not busy lately, so I'll just accompany them to respond to the suit. I believe the judge will not let them fool them."

Ye Shu said: "I will accompany you!"

"Don't accompany me, how are you and He Yiming recently?" He Ning cared about her instead.

"It's nothing, it's just the same. As long as his family is not involved, everything is fine. But I don't plan to see his family anyway." Ye Shu shrugged.

He Ning knew that this matter was also in a hurry, so he smiled and said, "Whether you two get along is the most important thing. When you get together, the He family won't be a big problem."

"Yes, I think so too." Ye Shu is quite optimistic now, she said secretly, "I will tell you quietly, after He Yiming finds a terminally ill patient, he will donate the body to He Peishan for surgery. It's okay to think about it."

"Then the patient's spinal cord and organs won't be infected with terminal illness, right?"

"I heard that it won't be. Her disease won't infect other organs. So I thought, maybe without He Peishan's affairs, I and him will be better off."

"I hope so. You will definitely get better." He Ning said sincerely.


On the day He Ning came to the court, he had only asked Ye Shu to accompany him.

But when he first arrived, he found that Chu Zhuohang had also arrived.

"Senior Chu." He Ning was a little surprised, "Why are you here?"

"I heard about your business, come to see if there is anything I can help."

He Ning nodded: "Their request is very rude. I believe the court will ignore their unreasonable request."

"I'm afraid that if the He family is rough, you will suffer." Chu Zhuohang strode forward, "Let's go, I will accompany you in."

The He family had already arrived, and when Chu Zhuohang looked at them, a wicked light flashed in his eyes.

He Hongtao was turned away by his gaze.

When the court opened, He Ning knew that He Hongtao and the others had come prepared.

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