Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 603: Check the DNA of you and He Ning

Fearing that they could not win the lawsuit, they also found a man named Ning.

They said in court that this man is Ning Wan's cousin, that is, He Ning's uncle, who is related to Ning Wan by blood.

According to the hospital report, it can be confirmed that He Ning and the cousin's uncle are not related by blood, which indirectly proves that He Ning and Ning Wan are not related by blood either!

Therefore, He Ning has no right to inherit the inheritance left by Ning Wan, only He Hongtao has the right to inherit!

Because when Ning Wan died, he was still He Hongtao's wife.

This incident shocked He Ning!

It's not that I was shocked that I couldn't get the mother's property, but why was I not the mother's child?

Because of the complexity of the matter, the court did not issue a verdict on the same day.

Ye Shu and Chu Zhuohang walked out with He Ning from left to right.

"He Ning, this man surnamed Ning must have appeared on purpose to harm you. Who knows if he is your real cousin." Ye Shu said, "The minds of the He family are really vicious, and this method can also be imagined. come out."

He Ning was a little depressed.

Although her mother died young, her relationship with her mother is very deep. If she is not the mother's child, her heart will be like a rootless duckweed, with no support.

Chu Zhuohang saw her worry and said softly, "He Ning, let me take you home to rest first. You leave it to me to handle this matter. Next time, you don't have to attend in person."

"No, I want to know about my mother. Only by breaking through this point can we defeat the He family." He Ning said firmly.

"Then you have to rest, too." Chu Zhuohang took her hand and stuffed her into the car, "go home."

When he arrived at He Ning's small villa, Chu Zhuohang told Ye Shu to accompany He Ning, while he and the invited lawyer were looking for new evidence.

Shen Jingyu also received the news over there.

The man named Ning who appeared in the court was brought to him and Lawyer Nie for the first time.

This man was in his fifties and was an ordinary office worker. When he saw Lawyer Shen Jingyu and Lawyer Nie, he was shocked by the situation surrounded by their bodyguards, and he did not dare to speak.

"Are you Ning Wan's cousin?" Lawyer Nie took the lead.

"Yes. I am."

"Then why haven't you taken care of He Ning in the past few years?"

"He family is fierce, where can I dare to manage? Besides, I have to support my family, and I don't have the ability to manage. Besides, my wife won't let me take care of it."

Attorney Nie took out the photos that people found back then with various materials, and compared them. The man in front of him was definitely Ning Wan's cousin.

"Doctor, draw his blood." Nie Tianhua asked.

"What are you doing? I'm really Ning Wan's cousin. Don't hurt me. I have young and old, and the whole family counts on me to feed..."

Nie Tianhua said lightly: "Don't worry, we just need to check the DNA of you and He Ning. We are not satisfied with the results collected by the He family."

"The He family said that He Ning was not Ning Wan's biological daughter, and they wanted me to testify to help them take home the birth. My wife forced me to agree, so I had to agree. The test was done by themselves, and I didn't know it..." He said tremblingly.

"We know. You can go." Nie Tianhua said.

The man was taken down and sent out.

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