Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 608: Someone got the baby's embryo wrong

But it doesn't matter, he can wait!

One day, she will truly forget Shen Jingyu.

Early the next morning, Shen Jingyu and Chu Zhuohang arrived at the same time.

This time, they still insisted on taking He Ning's car and set off for the outskirts together.

In fact, we all know that whether we can find this old doctor or not, it has little to do with the fight for the He family's fortune.

More importantly, help He Ning trace the roots and find her true life experience.

The outskirts were a bit far away, and it was a remote mountain village. He Ning could still support it at first, but after a while, it was a bit too sleepy.

She closed her eyes and started to tilt her head to one side.

Chu Zhuohang subconsciously wanted to hug her.

But Shen Jingyu had already embraced her first, and supported her head with his palm to make her sleep more peacefully.

Chu Zhuohang still wanted to grab another, Shen Jingyu glanced at him and said with lips: "Do you want to wake her up?"

Chu Zhuohang couldn't bear it.

He was no better than Shen Jingyu, who had no conscience, knowing that He Ning was pregnant, and he was already working hard.

His eyes flashed, and he tilted his head to look out the window, avoiding the picture in front of him.

When he finally arrived at the destination, He Ning woke up, opened his eyes, and there were green hills everywhere in front of him, and the beautiful scenery made his eyes bright.

The old doctor is indeed old and inconvenient. When he knew their intentions, he still welcomed them warmly.

He took He Ning's hand and was very excited: "Let me see, I see, this is the first successful IVF operation I have done. In a blink of an eye, the child is so old."

"Grandpa, when my mother came for the operation, did you do it for her yourself?"

"Yeah. At that time, this kind of surgery was not common. Your mother had a physical problem and couldn't get pregnant, so she found me. At the beginning, I did it by myself, and it attracted many doctors to observe. At that time, I was sixty. It’s my proudest operation when I’m more than a few years old. But when the technology matured, the operation became nothing unusual."

He Ning whispered: "Do you remember that anyone else has handled it? Now we have found that my DNA is not consistent with both my father and my mother."

"This..." The old doctor was puzzled, "It doesn't match Ning Wan and He Hongtao?"

"Yes." He Ning nodded.

"This is weird. I did everything from admission to the checkup to the final surgery. However, I seem to remember it because our technology was immature and the equipment was not suitable. We had been there at the time. A trip to Jingyuan. During the two days in Jingyuan, it was indeed not under my control, I just followed."

"Jingyuan is the capital after all, and these technologies are at the forefront. At that time, there were more couples doing IVF than elsewhere."

The old doctor recalled: "Could it be that during this period, someone mistaken the baby's embryo, causing the child we brought back, not their blood?"

"The hospital at that time, do you remember which one it was?"

The old doctor took a pen and paper and said, "I'll write to you. You can find out about the situation. I didn't expect that such a thing would happen."

He not only wrote the name of the hospital, but also the names of several doctors.

He Ning cherished it and thanked him.

Shen Jingyu immediately asked Nie Tianhua to take a picture, and first went to Jingyuan to check the situation and see if he could help He Ning find his biological parents.

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