Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 609: Return all, belong to He Ning

The He family was very anxious about this case.

Granny He and He Hongtao both sighed in their hearts.

The court also arranged for another trial.

Since they are going through legal procedures, of course Shen Jingyu will accompany them.

In court, He’s lawyers argued that He Ning is not Ning Wan’s child, nor is He Hongtao’s child, so according to regulations, all of Ning Wan’s estate should belong to He Hongtao.

Everything He Ning has now should be returned to He Hongtao.

Chen Fufen and He Lu, who were sitting in the first row, took a triumphant look at He Ning. They will definitely win the lawsuit this time!

These things that were forcibly occupied by He Ning will definitely return to their hands.

Old lady He was also eager to punish this wild species sooner, her wrinkled face, with a smile that was a bit bleak and gloomy.

Lawyer Nie personally defended He Ning: "We have visited the hospital and the original doctors. Ms. Ning Wan suffered a lot to give birth to the child. The original doctors can confirm that they personally helped Ms. Ning Wan and Mr. He Hongtao to collect the collection. They also performed the surgery on their eggs and sperm."

"It's just that the medical conditions are limited and I was sent to Jingyuan for treatment. I believe that it was during this process that something went wrong and the wrong embryo was accidentally taken."

"Although He Ning is not Ms. Ning Wan's biological daughter, she gave birth to He Ning, and the relationship with He Ning's mother and daughter is an unchangeable fact in law."

"Her love for He Ning also originated from a mother's love for her daughter."

"He Ning was unable to influence her birth. This is not her fault. Based on this, we request the court to determine that the mother-daughter relationship between Ning Wan and He Ning is legal and effective."

The judge discussed in a low voice on stage.

The people in the auditorium also nodded one after another: "Yes, there is nothing wrong with He Ning. Isn't this a hospital error?"

"He Ning did not do it intentionally, nor did Ning Wan do it deliberately. They are both victims, but their mother-daughter relationship is real."

Hearing these voices, they favored He Ning, and the expressions on the faces of the He family were a bit ugly.

The judge said: “In view of all that Lawyer Nie said and the evidence provided are legal and valid. The court found that the mother-daughter relationship between Ning Wan and He Ning is legally valid. He Ning has the right to inherit Ms. Ning Wan’s estate. "

The He family's complexion changed drastically and stood up to protest.

The people in the auditorium couldn’t help but look at Mrs. He and Chen Fufen. They squatted and said, “He Hongtao’s protest still makes sense. Chen Fufen is a junior, and Mrs. He has always ignored He Ning’s affairs, where their faces are. ?"

"Quiet!" the judge yelled, and everyone was silent.

Lawyer Nie continued: "Furthermore, according to evidence, during the duration of his marriage with Ning Wan, He Hongtao cheated with Chen Fufen and gave birth to He Lu. After Ning Wan passed away, He Hongtao no longer ignored He Ning, and Chen Fufen also responded to He. Ning is not fighting and scolding. So we ask the judge to rule that He Hongtao does not have the right to inherit Ning Wan’s estate. We ask He Hongtao to return all the inheritance he originally possessed and belong to He Ning."

He Hongtao simply didn't expect that Nie Tianhua would make this move.

He hurriedly urged the lawyer to defend himself.

But the submissions made by his lawyers could not move the judge at all.

Instead, Nie Tianhua rejected their sophistry one by one.

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