Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 616: Please keep it secret

Ye Shu breathed a sigh of relief, and took a bite with He Yiming's face: "It's great! It's great!"

He Yiming gave her a backhand and hugged her: "Hey, I'll go draw blood first, and you can accompany He Ning."

Ye Shu watched his upright figure leave with a smile on his face.

He Yiming went to draw blood, and the doctor immediately gave He Ning an input.

As the blood slowly injected into her body, the look on her face finally recovered gradually.

"Ye Shu, you and General He go out first. I want to say a few words to the doctor."

Ye Shu and He Yiming walked out.

He Ning said to the doctor: "Doctor, I am pregnant with a child, please don't tell others to know, I don't want to be known."

"Speaking of pregnancy, I was about to tell you that I just opened the order and I will check it for you right away. Although you seem to be fine on the surface, you don't know if it's really okay."

"Okay. But please agree to my request."

The doctor shook his head and said, "Well, since you have this request, we will keep it secret for you."

After speaking, he glanced at her sympathetically.

He Ning didn't care what the doctor's eyes were, and was pushed by the nurse to go in for an examination.

"The child is fine. Fortunately, it's just smashed in the leg. If it is smashed on the waist and stomach, it's hard to tell." The doctor said while checking.

Listening to the doctor's words, He Ning felt a lingering fear in her heart.

She remembers that when the equipment fell down, it came directly at her waist.

It was Lan Xi who blocked her in time. Although she still smashed her leg, she was lucky enough to save the child.

Otherwise, the fruit is really unthinkable.

When Shen Jingyu and Gu Yunchen arrived, He Ning had already checked and returned to the ward.

When Shen Jingyu rushed to her hospital bed, she was still wearing a military uniform, apparently coming back from the military area.

He came to her, held her hand, slightly pursed his thin lips, and turned the angular and handsome face, looked at her seriously, and did not speak for a long time.

He rushed back eagerly all the way, his whole body was sweaty, not so much the hard work of the journey, but the fear of losing her.

It wasn't until now that she saw her and placed her in her palm, the gloom between Shen Jingyu's eyebrows gradually faded.

"I'm fine." Seeing his face covered with sweat stains, He Ning knew how far away he had come back.

She felt a little pain, and said, "Sit down first."

"I heard that He Yiming and Lanxi are at the scene, what are they doing to you?" Shen Jingyu's tone was not good.

He Ning hurriedly shook his hand: "No, they didn't harm me."

Shen Jingyu sat down suspiciously.

"They came, actually to see Ye Shu. What happened to me at the shooting site was an accident. Thanks to Mrs. He for helping me with it, I didn't get any more serious injuries."

"And He Yiming, he gave me a blood transfusion. So, they helped me and didn't hurt me."

Fearing that he would be angry, He Ning hurriedly explained the matter.

Shen Jingyu's eyebrows finally calmed down, but knowing that her wound was so heavy that she needed a blood transfusion, another touch of distress flashed in his eyes.

"These days, I will stay with you." Shen Jingyu said, "I will let Qiao Hai prepare."

"You are busy with you, don't need to accompany you." He Ning immediately refused, worried that he would know about the child in his stomach.

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