Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 617: My aunt

Shen Jingyu didn't argue with her, but pushed her back and covered the quilt: "Close your eyes and rest. Don't worry about anything else."

He Ning had to close her eyes.

Shen Jingyu held her hand without letting go, and sat there, holding her hand steadily.

He Ning's heart, here, truly settled down, and fell asleep without knowing it.

Shen Jingyu then went out, changed briefly, and came back again.

Seeing He Yiming, he jawed to his head: "I know you gave He Ning a blood transfusion."

"I told you that no matter what happens, I will never do anything to hurt her. Only by conscience can I be worthy of my military uniform."

Shen Jingyu nodded: "How is Auntie?"

"I have a fracture and need to raise it for a while." He Yiming said, "Let He Ning not take it to heart. It is our apology to her."

While Shen Jingyu was not there, Ye Shu and Gu Yunchen sneaked into He Ning's room first.

Gu Yunchen said anxiously, "Is my stomach okay?"

"It's okay, the doctor said it would be fine to observe again."

"My aunts, can you stop pregnant women from going to unsafe places?" Gu Yunchen and his group of doctors were heartbroken.

"Normally, He Ning doesn't go there less, what happened today is really an accident." Ye Shu helped He Ning excuse him.

"Anyway, you have to listen to me in the future, and go to those places less." Gu Yunchen said, "If something goes wrong, it will be troublesome."

Ye Shu said: "Then I will persuade her when He Ning wakes up. I guess she won't go there anymore after I figured out this incident."

"That's right." Gu Yunchen patted her on the shoulder, "If you need anything, call me in time."

"I will."

Gu Yunchen suddenly remembered something: "I just heard that He Yiming's blood type is the same as He Ning?"

"Yes, it's a coincidence. Fortunately, Auntie and Yiming are here today, otherwise the child in He Ning's stomach would be hard to tell..."

Gu Yunchen thought of other things, and lowered his head to think about something.

When the door of the ward opened, Shen Jingyu saw that Ye Shu and Gu Yunchen were both there, and said, "You go out first, I'll accompany He Ning."

"Okay." The two hurried out of the room and went to see Lan Xi together.

Lan Xi's arm was broken, but the rest was nothing but a cast.

"Auntie, thank you so much this time, otherwise He Ning will be seriously injured." Ye Shu said gratefully, "She also said that she wants to see you, but she is inconvenient, so she will come to thank you personally when she gets better."

"No, let her take care of it. I didn't help much." Lan Xi felt a little guilty, "Her leg hurts much more severely than mine."

"Don't talk about that auntie, if it weren't for you, He Ning...would hurt her ribs." Ye Shu said.

Gu Yunchen sat down and showed her: "Fortunately, it will be fine if you raise it for more than ten days."

"Yunchen, don't mention it to Shanshan, just say that I accidentally fell." Lan Xi didn't want He Peishan to worry, nor did he want her daughter to know that he had saved He Ning, and felt uncomfortable.

She didn't know why, she would come forward to rescue Hening at that time.

Maybe it was out of my own kindness, maybe I couldn't avoid the impulse that he didn't want He Ning to be hurt at that moment.

"Okay, I know how to tell her." Gu Yunchen nodded, "But auntie, I want to ask you one thing."

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