Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 639: Will never hurt again

He Peishan refused to listen. She could only stay here forever to accompany her daughter and comfort her emotions.

In the middle of the night, Lan Xi was also tired, and finally put He Peishan to sleep.

She simply stayed in the accompany ward of the hospital, fearing that her daughter might be surprised.

I don't want to... go back to face the angry husband.

This matter was clearly discussed, but he didn't know why it touched He Boyuan's scar, making him furious, and even went to see He Ning specifically.

Lan Xi quarreled with him again about this matter.

The differences between the husband and wife became more and more serious, and He Boyuan's stubbornness made him unable to listen to any explanation of Lan Xi.

For a while, she only felt very tired, very tired.

Fortunately, there are people taking care of He Ning, and Shen Jingyu supporting him.

Fortunately, behind him, there is still a powerful family supporting him.

Otherwise, she really felt that she was going to be unable to survive the torment of these days.

Lan Xi stayed in the hospital.

He Peishan immediately called He Birong.

"Auntie, my mother stays with me in the hospital."

"I see. You can recover from illness with peace of mind." He Birong's voice seemed to be a major decision.

Although He Birong's leg was injured on her knee, her own medical skills were quite good. After working hard to recuperate, although she was limping a little while walking, she no longer needed to rely on a wheelchair to travel.

Some staggering figures of her appeared at the door of the master bedroom of He's house, Lan Xi and He Boyuan.

Lan Xi is not here.

He Boyuan did not stay at home because of his anger.

He Birong opened their master bedroom, walked in, accurately found the location of the safe, entered the password, and opened the safe.

From the inside, she quickly found a piece of information.

That is an agreement material for voluntary donation of spinal cord and body organs.

It was signed by He Yiming with the terminally ill woman.

He Yiming had told He Birong about this, but he didn't reveal any information about the woman to her.

Lan Xi also concealed it from her.

He Birong’s face was full of mockery: "How much effect can your hypocrisy have? One year, wait a year for that **** woman, what will happen to Shanshan’s situation? You will never control Shanshan. Put it first!"

She filmed all the content above, then put it back in the safe and locked it.

He Birong found the doctor and the hospital where she treated without much effort.

Although the doctor had declared that the woman would not survive for a year, He Yiming did his last benevolence and asked the hospital to treat her kindly and prescribe some medicines that could relieve cancer pain.

On this day, the woman came to get medicine again, and the honest man pushed the honest woman, living as small as an ant, and He Yiming tried his best to give them the greatest respect in their painful life.

Wearing a mask, He Birong passed a bottle of medicine through the window of the pharmacy to the honest man.

That kind of medicine has great benefits in relieving pain-after taking it, the woman won't hurt anymore, forever.

Because in heaven, there is no cancer or pain.

In the afternoon, He Birong got the woman's body and all the organs as she wished.

In the evening, the operation on He Peishan, which she personally presided over and led the surgeon, went on smoothly.

Even Lan Xi and He Yiming didn't let them know.

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