Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 640: I have something to tell you alone

He Peishan's operation was successfully completed.

At this moment, He Birong notified the people of the He family.

He Yiming and Lan Xi came after hearing the news.

He Birong dragged the injured leg and said with a smile: "Shanshan's operation has been completed. Her condition should be able to recover within a few days."

Lan Xi was relieved.

The daughter has been ill for so many years, she really hopes that her daughter can get better soon.

"Second Sister-in-law, the operation went well, don't worry." He Birong said.

Lan Xi nodded, thinking of something, and asked, "Where did you get the things needed for surgery?"

"Did you not identify a donor last time? Today, the hospital received news that the donor died of an illness and notified me. I didn't have time to notify you, so I performed the operation on Shanshan." He Birong said, "Thank you very much. That family. Yiming, you have to treat other people's family well."

Lan Xi and He Yiming heard that the donor had died of an illness. They regretted that they were still immersed in the joy of He Peishan's recovery.

"Recently, Shanshan needs me to take care of her. I am afraid that her condition will go back and forth. So I will stay here and stay with her all the time." He Birong said.

"Bi Rong, thank you." Lan Xi was really grateful.

He Birong smiled and said, "Between you and me, why bother to say this?"

Lan Xi went in to see He Peishan and saw that her face was ruddy, much better than before the operation, and the big stone in her heart fell.

"Mom, if you stay here, then I will go to see He Ning. I heard that Dad went to meet her and said something very hurtful."

"You go." Lan Xi nodded lightly, "Take good care of He Ning."


He Birong sat outside to rest.

Her leg injury left serious sequelae. It was very inconvenient to stand for too long after the operation just now.

She notified He Boyuan to come.

When He Boyuan strode over, a smile appeared on her face, and the love in her heart could not be hidden.

"Second brother." He Birong stood up, a little unstable.

He Boyuan stretched out her hand to help her, He Birong simply no longer stood alone, leaning on He Boyuan rare.

He Boyuan didn't care, and asked, "I heard that Shanshan's condition is much better?"

"I performed the operation on her, and she should recover in the future." He Birong said softly, "Second sister-in-law is inside, do you want to go in and have a look?"

"Forget it." He Boyuan lost his thoughts when he heard that Lan Xi was inside, and he didn't want to see his wife.

He Birong waited for more than 20 years, but they didn't wait for the emotional rift between their husband and wife.

This time, finally waited.

She smiled and said: "I had an operation on Shanshan, and I was also a little tired, brother, why don't you accompany me back to rest for a while, just because I have something to tell you alone."

He Boyuan helped her get into the car and accompany her back to He's house.

She followed He Boyuan to his study and looked at the rows of books on the shelves. She smiled and said, "Second brother, when I was adopted by my mother, I entered your study for the first time. I was stunned by how many books you have. After so many years, you still love reading so much."

"It's just a hobby." He Boyuan has a rare light of ease. "In a blink of an eye, you have lived in He's family for decades."

"Yeah, if it weren't for a mother, I don't know where it is now." He Birong was very moved.

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