Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 641: This is the test report

She is a child adopted by the He family. She has been in love with He Boyuan since she appeared in the He family.

Although she is one of the four golden flowers of Jingyuan, she is the one with the least status in it.

The other three flowers all have backgrounds and backers, and only her was born as a wild flower.

So even from the day she came to He's family, she fell in love with He Boyuan and dreamed of marrying him, but she couldn't get her wish for the rest of her life.

The man in front of him who he had admired for his whole life had never belonged to her any day.

This made her deliberate all her life, trying to get him.

To this end, she did everything she could do.

He Boyuan asked, "Don't you have something to tell me? Let's talk."

"Second brother, I don't know if I should talk about this. But if you don't tell me, I feel sorry for you." He Birong said hesitantly.

"Let's talk about it, there is nothing wrong with it. You and my siblings have no secrets for many years," He Boyuan said lightly.

He Birong said embarrassedly: "Actually, when I checked Shanshan, I found out... Yiming is not your blood."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Why are you talking nonsense!" He Boyuan stood up suddenly and turned over the chair, "He Birong, get out of here!"

Rather than saying that he was angry at what Birong He said, it was better to say that this was what he feared most, and even hated the most.

It hurts to be pricked a little bit by someone.

"Second brother, I didn't lie to you! You know that I have always admired you the most, how could I lie to you?" He Birong said.

"Get out! Get out!" He Boyuan shouted loudly, without the usual temperament on his body, all turned into terrible anger.

He Birong backed away in fright: "Second brother, what I said is true. In fact, I found out when I checked Shanshan's body and looked for a suitable spinal cord."

"It's just that at that time, I didn't dare to talk nonsense. I was afraid of affecting your relationship with your second wife. I was also afraid of affecting your family. A few children."

"But now I really can't help it. Shanshan's illness is cured. I think there are some things that should be told to you. You should not be kept in the dark.

"Second brother, everything I said is true. This is a test report."

She put the report on the desk.

He Boyuan's face was pale, he grabbed the report, tore it open, and threw it to the ground.

As if to eliminate all of these possibilities in these actions, he was trembling all over, tearing frantically, and stepping heavily.

He Birong watched his crazy behavior, not only did not step back, but took a few steps forward, and hugged him: "Second brother, please don't punish yourself, it's not your fault. The fault is Lan Xi. You are right. She is so good, but she has done something to betray you."

"In this family, the one I love most is you."

"Don't treat yourself like this!"

He Boyuan's eyes turned blood red, like a terrible monster.

He pushed He Birong away: "Get out! Get out!"

He Birong turned around and walked out slowly step by step.

A vicious smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

This incident was a time bomb in itself. She didn't dare to ignite it at will, because at that time, He Boyuan's career still needed the support of the Lan family.

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