Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 650: Should someone come out and take responsibility?

Lan Xi almost couldn't stand still.

He Yiming and He Ning supported her.

"Okay." The old man Lan said in a loud voice, "No one deceived the He family to marry my daughter. It was your He family sincerely came to propose marriage, and I agreed to this marriage. Even if Yiming is Lanxi getting married She didn't know what she was pregnant with before, and it was not a fault."

What he said was also very protective of his daughter.

It also reminded Mrs. He and He Boyuan how they married Lan Xi in the first place.

If it wasn't for Mrs. He's tricks to let He Boyuan enter Lanxi's room, and they were bumped into the two people in the same room, plus He Wenyuan failed to perform the task and did not return, how could the Lan family agree to the He family's marriage?

Without this episode, Lan Xi would continue to wait for He Wenyuan to return, and would never agree to the marriage to He Boyuan.

Although Mrs. He was wrong, things had passed for so many years. Seeing that He Yiming was not her own grandson, she was trembling with anger: "What happened back then was that year. Isn't He Yiming not the blood of the He family? It just passed like this? ?"

"Otherwise? Is there any good way for your He family?" Old man Lan asked rhetorically.

Mrs. He trembled all over: "It's really unreasonable! You do things like this! We ruined the blood of our He family, so let's just forget it for no reason?"

"Didn't you ask for your opinion?" Old Man Lan said.

"Sure enough, the family education is in the same line. What kind of father you have, what kind of daughter will be taught! Is it your Lan family education if you don't obey women's way?" The old lady He gave the teacup a heavy breath.

He Yiming heard her talk more and more seriously, and stopped: "Grandma!"

"Don't call me grandma! What face do you have to call me grandma?"

Gu Yunchen stood beside Shen Jingyu, whispering something.

In front of the beloved brain, Shen Jingyu stood up and said: "He Yiming is not the blood of General He, but I want to ask, why is He Peishan not the blood of Aunt Lan?"

"What?" The audience was very surprised.

Everyone whispered: "He Yiming is not of the blood of the old general, because Lan Xi liked other men before he married into the He family, so he brought other men’s seeds into the He family. But why He Peishan is not Ms. Lan. Blood?"

"No, He Peishan was born to treat He Yiming. If she is not of Ms. Lan's blood, how can she be cured?"

He Boyuan said angrily: "Shen Jingyu, what are you talking about?"

"I'm not talking nonsense. This is what Gu Yunchen found out. I think the people of the He family should come out and explain why He Peishan is not of Aunt Lan's blood. Should someone come out and take responsibility." Shen Jingyu said.

"Impossible!" He Boyuan retorted, "Shanshan is not Lan Xi's blood, how did she use her cord blood to perform surgery on Yiming? Don't be grandiose."

"So I also want to know, since He Yiming and He Peishan are neither father nor mother, how did this happen?" Shen Jingyu's words aroused more doubts.

Shen Jingyu stood up with a long stature and scanned the audience.

He aimed his gaze at a person and said, "Doctor He, why don't you talk about it?"

The Doctor He in his mouth was He Birong standing by.

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