Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 651: Secretly achieve one's own purpose

This alienated and unfamiliar name reminds everyone of what Birong He's real career is.

Also let everyone's eyes on He Birong's body.

"How do I know? I never mix things with my second brother and sister-in-law." He Birong put it aside.

"Really? Have you never mixed up? But you have been taking care of He Peishan. He Peishan was born by IVF surgery. You and your husband Gu Hanlin performed the operation together. He Peishan was sick and you took care of it yourself." Shen Jingyu Asked rhetorically.

He Birong responded, "Yes, the daughter of my second brother and sister-in-law, my niece, who do I not take care of? Everyone knows that I am good to the younger generation. Do you have any problems?"

"No problem." Shen Jingyu's answer was calm, her long and narrow phoenix eyes slightly picked up, "Then why, He Peishan has the blood of you and General He?"

Shen Jingyu's words were astonishing, not only made He Birong's face pale.

The other people were also shocked.

what's going on?

He Peishan is actually the blood of He Boyuan and He Birong?

Anyone familiar with the He family knows that Bi Rong He was adopted by the He family and has no blood relationship.

But even so, He Peishan is the daughter of the two of them. Isn’t it a bit peculiar?

Everyone can't believe it.

He Ning and He Yiming glanced at each other, and they couldn't believe what they had heard so far.

He Birong wanted to avoid this question.

Shen Jingyu hurriedly pursued: "Doctor Ho, why don't you explain? Why is He Peishan your daughter? Why have you been doing your best to her for so many years, just like your own daughter? You don’t know the inside story. Right?"

He Birong deliberately avoided.

But even He Boyuan couldn't help it anymore: "Bi Rong, what's the matter? Honestly! What caused Shanshan's situation!"

"Second brother, I don't..." He Birong didn't want to involve too many old things.

Shen Jingyu looked at her indifferently, with a sharp flash in her eyes: "Then let me guess, Doctor Ho. Doctor Ho admires his second brother, but it is a pity that you are a brother-sister relationship in name, and yours The second brother doesn't like you either, so you have an empty feeling, but you have to tolerate it, right?"

"No, I don't!" Although He Birong has the heart to like He Boyuan, she also has the idea of ​​wanting to be with him in the future.

But there are still many things that I am afraid of being dug out by others.

So deny is the best answer.

Lan Xi was taken aback for a moment and said, "Bi Rong, you told me a few years ago that there is someone in your heart. It turns out that the person in your heart is Bo Yuan. I always thought that you would not have children and would not marry. Gu Hanlin who died. It turns out that the person you like is Bo Yuan!"

He Birong shook her head and denied.

Shen Jingyu continued: "Then let me guess again. He Yiming's body needs surgery, and he needs the cord blood of a child born to the same mother. That's why I chose IVF. You are jealous of Aunt Lan, so You did not use her eggs as an IVF, but chose to use your own eggs."

"You do everything possible, just want a child of you and General He to stay in He's house, to comfort you with a heart that likes General He, and let you secretly achieve your goals, don't you?"

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