Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 652: I just want to make He Yiming die

He Birong anxiously denied.

Everyone was shocked to hear, but did not expect that He Birong, as a doctor, would actually do such a thing.

He even used this method to achieve his own goals.

Lan Xi didn't expect that he worked so hard to extract eggs, perform surgery, and then transplant IVF into his body. He Peishan, who was conceived in October, was not his own child.

She looked at He Birong: "He Birong, you are so cruel! You and I love sisters, but you use this method to deceive me?"

"Are you worthy to say the words "Sisters"? Sisters of love, you have taken my most beloved man, and under my nose, you have shown the love of a lifetime. Sisters of love, you have both children and the whole family. Love, and me, what kind of life do I live?" He Birong asked in an unbearable rhetorical response to Lan Xi's accusation.

Her words, indirectly admitted that she did what she did.

Her irrational words made Lan Xi couldn't help but laugh in a hurry: "You never said that you like He Boyuan, and it was your willingness to marry Gu Hanlin. Why do you say such a thing? You are deliberate and sinister. It's really true. ..."

"Yeah, what's wrong with me? He Peishan is my daughter, my biological daughter, but you wasted all your life to take care of her. But you ask Shanshan, does she like you?"

He Birong pointed at He Peishan and said to Lan Xi: "Shanshan doesn't like you at all! Because you never think about how she really feels! Of course, she doesn't need your likes either. Because her biological mother is me!"

Shen Jingyu interrupted her: "He Birong, have you ever thought that when you did something like this in the first place, you would not only cause Aunt Lan to lose the child that should belong to her, but also make He Yiming's condition untreated? , It almost caused a bigger disaster!"

He Birong had already admitted one at this moment, and she might as well admit the others.

She said sharply: "Yeah, I just wanted He Yiming to die! I wish that everyone related to Lan Xi was dead! When He Yiming was born, I almost choked him to death! If it weren't for death. The fallen Gu Hanlin stopped me, and I choked him to death a long time ago!"

Speaking so viciously made everyone's spine chill.

A doctor, just because he is jealous, because he can't ask for it, he is really frantic when he starts to deal with a baby like this!

However, when Mrs. He and He Boyuan heard this, they had nothing else but a cold heart.

Because He Yiming is no longer in their blood, they don't care much about it anymore.

It was precisely this point that He Birong had dared to uncharacteristically say all these things.

"Even if I tell you, you still have nothing to do with me. Some legal prosecution periods are 20 years. These things have passed 25 years. So it doesn't matter, or I will tell you all! "

The tone that she should have made makes everyone who hears it even more creepy.

He Ning subconsciously grabbed He Yiming's hand. He really didn't expect that the He family had always buried such a time bomb.

Such a woman is really terrifying.

Ye Shu also stretched out his hand to hold He Yiming.

The left and the right are the people he cares about, and the wrinkles between He Yiming's eyebrows gradually stretched out.

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