Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 663: Dug your family's ancestral grave

Even Lan Xi could smell this strong vinegar smell.

Lan Xi smiled and pulled He Ning to her side: "He Ning will go with me."

He Ning came to Lan Xi obediently and made a face at He Yiming.

He Yiming has always been calm and serious, and now it is rare to be childish, striding forward.

On the contrary, Shen Jingyu was left behind by himself.

If you change a man, Shen Jingyu can still have an attack...but he is He Ning's eldest brother, and Shen Jingyu can only follow silently.

"My mother's previous tomb was buried in the ancestral grave of the He family. I was afraid of their bad thoughts, so I wanted to help her move the tomb out." He Ning said to Lan Xi as he walked.

"Yes." Lan Xi said, "Although you are my child, after all, Ning Wan gave birth to you, and there is also a mother-daughter love."

Before they approached, they heard someone doing something in front of Ning Wan's grave.

He Hongtao and Chen Fufen took a few people, holding hoes, and were talking.

He Hongtao said loudly: "Dig, dig out this woman's coffin! Throw it out and throw it into the old forest in the mountains! Such a **** woman is not worthy of staying in our He family's ancestral grave!"

Chen Fufen also coaxed: "That's right! What trash woman, insult the He family! Throw her out."

It turns out that since He Hongtao knew that He Ning was not his daughter, he had not been able to take Ning Wan's inheritance back from He Ning's hand in a lawsuit, and he was very irritable.

He had nowhere to vent his breath. When he thought that Ning Wan was still buried in the ancestral grave of the He family, he took someone with him, and wanted to dig out Ning Wan's body and throw it away, in order to dispel his anger.

Just as he was about to dig, He Ning shouted: "What are you doing?"

He Hongtao and Chen Fufen turned their heads and saw He Ning appear, almost sparking in their eyes.

"What are we doing? Ning Wan doesn't guard the woman's way, she doesn't know what to do, she stole a wild species like you, and we have to dig her out of her ancestral grave and throw it out!" He Hongtao and Chen Fufen are not self-reliant people at first, and they are angry , Is even more arrogant.

They saw that only Lan Xi came with He Ning, so their attitude was extremely arrogant.

Just as Lan Xi was about to speak, He Ning grabbed his mother and said to He Hongtao: "Okay, today you dig, I see who dares to dig! You dig it, I will find someone to dig a hundred of your family's ancestral grave! Do you dare to dig it? My mother's coffin was dug out, and I dug up all the ancestral graves of your He family and all of your people who did it!"

Those who were invited by He Hongtao didn't really like to do this kind of thing. They just took a **** and followed him because of the money, wine, and meat.

Hearing what He Ning said, he couldn't help but disperse, and said, "We won't dig anymore, we won't dig anymore."

After a while, these people ran out of sight.

He Hongtao was furious and said, "They don't dig, we dig!"

He picked up a **** and handed it to Chen Fufen.

Chen Fufen also wished to remove all traces left by Ning Wan, wishing to follow He Hongtao's wishes.

They raised their **** to dig.

He Yiming and Shen Jingyu walked behind, and at this moment, they appeared in front of everyone together.

When their tall and tall figures appeared at the same time, the hoes that He Hongtao and Chen Fufen raised were somewhat afraid to wield them.

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