Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 664: Ask yourself with the request of a bitch

He Yiming walked up to them with a heavy face and said, "He Ning is right. If you want to dig, just do it."

He Hongtao and Chen Fufen originally thought that Shen Jingyu would definitely not be on the side of He Ning. After all, He Ning is a wild species, and now they are separated from Shen Jingyu.

As a result, he didn't expect that there would be one more person supporting He Ning now.

The General He in front of him, they all know him, how can he dig the **** he raised?

"Dig. Why didn't you dig?" He Yiming asked, his tone of voice was flat, but with a great sense of oppression.

He Hongtao had no light on his face, so he could only relax his tone, and said, "This woman cheated on my back. She is no longer a member of our He family. Logically, she shouldn't be buried in our family's ancestral grave."

He Yiming said coldly: "He Ning is neither your child nor Ning Wan's child. Because that was the mistake of the IVF in the first place. Ning Wan did not betray you at all. On the contrary, you betrayed yourself so much. It’s great to use the requirements of saints to ask others, and to ask yourself with the requirements of sluts. It’s a good game to use the double standard set."

He Hongtao's face reddened at hearing: "He Ning is not Ning Wan's daughter?"

"I don't need to tell you the second time. However, Ning Wan gave birth to He Ning for a while, and we don't want her to be buried here. Today is to move her grave." He Yiming said coldly, "You If you want to make troubles unreasonably, it's a big deal, I have people dig up all of this piece!"

"This is absolutely impossible!" He Hongtao said anxiously, "This is the ancestral tomb of our He family. If the ancestral tomb is moved, we will kill off our children and grandchildren!"

"What about Ningwan's grave?" He Yiming squinted at him coldly.

He Hongtao himself did not want to be threatened by him, but he had to say: "If you want to take it, take it away. Take it away and take it away. I'm so indifferent and indifferent."

Chen Fufen immediately said, "How can I make them take it away if they want to take it away?"

"You're looking for death. Hurry up." He Hongtao has suffered countless losses in the hands of Shen Jingyu and He Ning. How dare you face them head-on right now.

Seeing that Chen Fufen still wanted to explain, He Hongtao took Chen Fufen's arm and dragged her away.

He Ning stepped forward and took a look, secretly rejoicing: "Fortunately, they came in time, otherwise this tomb will really be dug by them."

She had already seen through to the people of the He family, and at this time, there was no difference between disappointment and more disappointment.

As long as we can keep Ning Wan's grave.

He Yiming stepped forward: "I have arranged for someone to come over, and I will be able to move the tomb out soon. Let's put it in a cemetery on the outskirts of Portugal."

"Yeah. Thank you, brother."

"Fool. Big brother should do. I should also put a stick of incense for Ms. Ning Wan. If it weren't for her, you and I would not have been in this world." He Yiming rubbed her hair lovingly.

He Ning smiled.

After arranging Ning Wan's tomb, the group returned to Jingyuan.

In the cemetery of Jingyuan, Lan Xi invited tombstones and erected a tomb for the child who died.

"I believe He Birong too much, so that she has the opportunity to harm my child. For so many years, I didn't even know the existence of this child. I hope he can go to heaven early, or reincarnate as a human being and be taken by this world. Treated kindly."

Lan Xi whispered, tears in her eyes lit up, and she felt distressed for this child who had never met and never had a name.

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