Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 665: Discomfort of being excluded

He Yiming, He Ning, and Shen Jingyu also had a sense of melancholy in their hearts.

He Birong is harmful, but because the effective prosecution period of the law has passed, they can't even ask for justice for this child.

The four people slowly walked out of the cemetery.

He Yiming secretly pulled He Ning aside and stuffed a sour plum in her mouth.

He Ning was indeed a little uncomfortable today. The entrance of this sour plum made her whole body and mind relaxed.

"Is it delicious?" He Yiming asked with a smile.

"Well, I felt a little uncomfortable in my stomach just now, but now it's finally suppressed...Huh," He Ning was surprised, "How do you know..."

He Yiming lowered his voice and said, "Ye Shu told me about your pregnancy with a child."

Ye Shu had been deliberately hiding from him before, and it was only yesterday that he treated him frankly.

I was afraid that he could not stand on Hening's side.

And now, he is He Ning's eldest brother, and everything will be for his sake.

Ye Shu was relieved and boldly told the secret.

"I'm afraid you are uncomfortable, so I was specially prepared just now." He Yiming said in a low voice.

"Thank you." He Ning smiled and took another from his palm and put it in his mouth.

Seeing her eating very happily, He Yiming raised his dark sword eyebrows slightly: "Really delicious?"

"Really." He Ning took one and put it in his mouth.

He Yiming least likes to eat sour, and is stunned by sourness.

When the two brothers and sisters are together, they can easily get in touch with each other. The care and playfulness between them is like they have never been separated in the past twenty years.

Lan Xi saw it in his eyes, and was happy in his heart.

Shen Jingyu had a deep discomfort of being excluded.

It seemed that He Ning would never belong to him again.

She can laugh in front of He Yiming with peace of mind, just like she was in front of him before...

Shen Jingyu constricted her eyes, and a breath of awe-inspiring air rose from her body.

Lan Xi said softly: "He Ning is a good boy worth cherishing. Jingyu, there are some things, please give in appropriately."

As He Ning's mother, she hopes that He Ning can reap happiness.

However, Shen Jingyu did not answer, but stood calmly in place.

Lan Xi knew that he was determined, and he probably wouldn't change it for He Ning.

In this case, his daughter hurts herself, and there is no need to ask Shen Jingyu, and Lan Xi no longer persuades.

When he was about to walk out of the cemetery, Liang Yan stepped forward and said, "General, Lao Li and his children are here."

Lao Li stood in front of them honestly, with muddy tears in his eyes.

He is Wang Chunhua, the husband of the woman who was poisoned by He Birong.

The two and a half-year-old children who followed him, a boy and a girl, were crying with red eyes and lost control of their emotions.

"Lao Li, I am sorry about your wife. I will seek justice for her. You should take your two children home first." He Yiming said solemnly.

Seeing two children, one in high school and one in junior high school, both of them were still at school age, and there was no way to be fair to their mothers. He Yiming had to make arrangements like this first.

"Liang Yan, it's important that you arrange for them to go back first and do their own things first."

"No, we won't go back! We have to ask for an explanation for our mother!" The boy and the girl held hands, crying red eyes looking at He Yiming.

He Ning couldn't bear to see it, and felt the same.

Lan Xi also persuaded: "You two go back first. It's not good to be absent. Your mother will not feel at ease if you leave."

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