Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 666: I'm afraid he will hurt you

The girl yelled at Lan Xi: "Don't be a good person hypocritically, you killed my mother! What's the use of saying this now!"

The boy is even more emotional. Although he is honest, he has a **** feeling: "General He, our parents trust you, so they signed an agreement with you to donate the body. But you can't do this... Although my mother She has only one year's life, but she is the mother of our two children, my dad's relative and lover... Although one year's life is not long, but she is the concern of our family. How can you connect with this? She was deprived of her right to live by our side in the last year?"

"General He, Mrs. He, you promised us personally that you would wait until my mother died naturally before taking her body..."

The boy's voice was still a little immature, and the voice complained that people's heart was also immersed in sorrow.

The girl also cried loudly.

Lao Li was at a loss. He didn't know whether to persuade the two children or to fight against He Yiming.

He has been honest for a lifetime, and he didn't know anything about the donation of corpses before.

It was in consideration of the future life of the two children that he bit the bullet and signed the agreement.

Originally thought that his wife died naturally, Lao Li also learned that his wife had died prematurely after the incidents of the He family came out.

He has been honest all his life, and he didn't dare to make enemies with the He family.

But once he thought that his wife was a living life, he couldn't help being angry.

On his always honest face, there was also an angry anger.

He was going to rush towards He Yiming and He Ning.

He Yiming immediately stood in front of He Ning, and Shen Jingyu had already stretched out his hand to hug He Ning into his arms.

He Ning wanted to struggle, and Shen Jingyu hugged her tightly, not allowing her to move.

"Don't leave." Shen Jingyu whispered in her ear, warm words came in from her ear, "I'm afraid he will hurt you."

He Ning had to nest in his arms.

The boy and the girl grabbed Li,

The boy cried even more uncomfortably: "Does the lives of you rich people mean your lives? Then are the lives of people like us worthy of being used to extend your lives? That is just a bunch of organs for you, but for you? We have lost our living relatives."

He Ning felt uncomfortable when he heard his cry.

Liang Yan stopped Lao Li and prevented him from approaching He Yiming.

He Yiming said in a deep voice: "We did not harm Wang Chunhua. It was He Birong who killed Wang Chunhua and took her organs to He Peishan for treatment."

"Isn't that your family? Are you saying this now?" The boy didn't believe it at all.

"Before they were our family. But now they are not. Not only are they not, He Birong also almost harmed us. We have been making sure that you live a better life. But there are some things that we are really negligent to let He Birong take advantage of the loophole. , There is an opportunity to take advantage of it."

Old Li, the boy and the girl all looked at him blankly.

They don't understand some things, they just want to be fair to their loved ones.

One year's life is also life. For their family, one year is also very important.

He Yiming said: "I know you are unwilling. Wang Chunhua died in vain, and He Birong who killed her should bear the legal responsibility. We will help you hire the best lawyer to sue He Birong. We will not go back on everything we promised you before. "

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