Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 689: Splash her all over

Although she didn't like He Boyuan, and she had no complaints about being robbed of her husband, it didn't mean that He Birong was able to take this matter to her in a pretentious manner.

A glass of wine was spilled on He Birong's body, dampening her entire dress.

He Birong's face suddenly changed and said, "Lan Xi, why are you doing this to me?"

"Sorry, my hands are a bit slippery." Lan Xi smiled, his expression and demeanor were very indifferent, as if his hands were really slippery.

Several officials' wives walked in front of Lan Xi and He Birong with wine glasses.

If He Birong had to care about it at this time, she would be too petty.

Lan Xi said to everyone: "Just now Bi Rong apologized to me and said that I was sorry. I picked up the wine, wanted to have a drink, and settled my suspicion with Bi Rong, who didn't know that he accidentally got Bi Rong's clothes. Sorry, everyone is worried."

Lan Xi said this without the slightest lie.

But it's different in other people's ears. How do you feel that He Birong deliberately stepped forward to throw alcohol and failed, but instead made herself all alone?

Everyone looked at He Birong with a sense of sympathy. Although she is now the authentic Mrs. He, no matter what, this title is just grabbed from Lan Xi, and there is really nothing to show off.

He Birong's entire face looked a little ugly, and the clothes on her body were also uncomfortable.

Although He Peishan has scheming, where has he seen this kind of occasion?

She couldn't help but jumped out and said, "Nonsense, it's obviously that you deliberately splashed my mother! How can you treat my mother like this!"

Like He Ning, she followed her mother and saw everything that happened just now.

Lan Xi's deliberate pouring of alcohol was really obvious. How could He Peishan not speak for Bi Rong?

He Birong couldn't stop it.

He Peishan continued: "You are too much, hurry up and apologize to my mother!"

Her voice was loud, and everyone gathered around.

Jiang Xue and Fu Meirou also stood up and said, "Shanshan, what happened?"

"It's this woman, Lan Xi, she deliberately poured the wine on my mother! She also said that hand slipping is like this. I have never seen it like this!" He Peishan was filled with righteous indignation and indignant.

Everyone looked at her with surprise, but she didn't even notice it.

Everyone here knows that Lan Xi once gave up her career and social life for her. For many years, she has been with her in the hospital or seeking medical advice.

Lan Xi once knelt down to Shen Jingyu for her, just because he wanted to make He Ning promise to donate her spinal cord.

Lan Xi has only recently resumed his social life, and it can be said that he has spent half his life for He Peishan.

Even if some people here are on the side of He Birong, some people don't like the temper of Miss Lan Xi's former eldest lady. When it comes to this matter, they only have deep admiration.

But now, He Peishan's words have wiped out everything about Lan Xi.

Although it is because you know the bloodline now, is it not worthy of gratitude at all for the many years of dedication and care?

He Peishan saw that everyone was looking at him, and thought he was right.

He Birong hurriedly pulled her: "Shanshan don't say anything, your Aunt Lan didn't mean it."

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