Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 690: Be yourself...

"What's not deliberate, she did it deliberately. She just can't understand you being with dad, she still has jealousy in her heart. Who doesn't know her ugly mind?" He Peishan told Lan Xi to give up Shen Jingyu's thing, always It is grudges.

Now that she is not her own mother, all those things that were inconvenient to say once she wanted to say are all blurted out.

He Birong slapped her cruelly: "Shanshan, what are you talking about?"

The people around also started talking: "This is the long-ill Miss He's family? Why don't you know how to be grateful?"

"Yes, how does Lan Xi treat her, how does she treat Lan Xi? What kind of attitude is this?"

"Even if Lan Xi is not her mother, she still has the grace to nurture her, right?"

He Birong was even more worried about He Peishan's future after these discussions, and said sharply: "Shanshan, please apologize to Aunt Lan!"

She wanted to pick things by herself, but the purpose of picking things was not to establish a reputation for Lan Xi.

So seeing that the situation was wrong, he immediately asked He Peishan to apologize.

He Peishan covered her face, reluctantly, and said, "I'm not speaking! What's wrong with me? I'm just telling the truth! You're afraid of offending her, I'm not afraid! She just hates you for taking her dad, so that's the reason . But He Ning snatched Shen Jingyu away, should I splash her wine too?"

She has never participated in social activities and has been spoiled since she was a child at home, so she still thinks about what to say.

She doesn't even know how important it is to build a reputation in this kind of occasion.

He Birong was really furious.

He Ning said quietly, "It doesn't matter, Mrs. He, don't beat Shanshan either. My mother has taken care of her for so many years, and she has grievances in her heart. If you beat her twice, she will even be your mother. What should I do if I don’t care about the love of women?"

This is even more serious, He Birong glared at He Ning fiercely.

He Ning looked at her without changing his face. This was just selling with her. What qualifications did she have to stare at herself?

He Peishan was anxious and said, "I and Lan Xi are not a mother and daughter in the first place, what's the matter with grievances?"

There was a bang around everyone, and they couldn't help but blame: "No matter how mother and daughter are, Lan Xi has taken care of you for twenty years."

"That is, when she heard that a medicine is good for your health, she went to South Africa to buy it herself."

"Yes, there is another ingredient that she knows is good for your health. She has come to our hometown to get it for several years."

"He Peishan, be your own person... Why does Lan Xi have no idea about you?"

He Peishan was flushed with anger. She didn't understand that she was just defending her biological mother. What's wrong with this?

Does the grace of nurturing necessarily occupy the most important position?

Lan Xi's eyes were red and red. Hearing these words, he said: "Don't make her embarrassing, kid, ignorant."

He Ning also said softly: "Mom, don't be sad, just treat it as something of these years and feed the dog."

He Peishan wanted to jump even more, and He Birong held her tightly.

Originally, with He Birong's fighting power, it would not have been suppressed by Lan Xi and He Ning.

However, He Peishan is a man with negative combat effectiveness and low EQ. In recent years, he has been recovering from illness and has developed a stinky problem.

The people around were all lamenting Lan Xi's high EQ and He Ning's maintenance of his mother.

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