Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 691: Be a confidant

To He Peishan, all shook their heads.

Someone secretly said, "I really can't get on the stage. As expected, the blood is wrong and nothing is right."

He Birong's face was lost, and she had to smile.

Jiang Xue helped her out and said, "Isn't Shanshan sick all the time? This sick person has a bad temper, everyone understands it. Don't say it, Rourou, accompany Mrs. He to change clothes. Let Shanshan also Go and rest for a while."

He Birong hurriedly took He Peishan and Fu Meirou to Jiang Xue's room to change clothes.

He Peishan was still whispering, and He Birong said: "Well, who made you quarrel with them? I said at home, come here, you need to know how to measure, you need to know how to move forward.

He Peishan couldn't help but shed tears. Why did she recover from her illness? It was the first time she came out to see the world. Why did everyone target her?

Fu Meirou asked He Birong to change her clothes, and she pulled He Peishan aside, and said as a big sister: "Shanshan don't be angry. Lan Xi and He Ning have always spoken well. You didn't just know today. ."

"That's right, He Ning is the most charming, seduce and lure Brother Yu away. I get angry as soon as I see her."

"To deal with He Ning, there are opportunities, but I am not in a hurry." Fu Meirou smiled, "Actually, I also think you are the best match for Jingyu. What is He Ning? Even his father doesn't know who it is. Where can I follow him? you are?"

He Peishan immediately introduced Fu Meirou as a confidant: "Sister Rourou, you are so kind. Others say I am wrong, I think you are the most reasonable."

"So you put this heart away first, it's not easy to say what's going on in the future. Don't think about it too much, smile, go out for a while, and show off your Miss He's style." Fu Meirou smiled and tidied her clothes.

Seeing that Fu Meirou was on her side, He Peishan had confidence.

She went downstairs with He Birong who had changed clothes.

Just now, Lan Xi poured wine on He Birong's body and acted in another play, making people blame her mother and daughter.

He Peishan couldn't help thinking, if he did the same, wouldn't it be possible for everyone to turn the blame on their mother and daughter?

She has seen few people in the world, and she doesn't know the current situation. Everyone is very disappointed in her reputation. All she has to do is to wait for the time and resolve all these disappointments before taking action.

He Birong urged: "Shanshan, you will talk to some ministers and wives more later, and stop seeing Lan Xi and He Ning. Remember, you must laugh. If you don't know how to say, you should talk less.

He Peishan nodded.

But she didn't take it to heart at all. Instead, she looked for opportunities as soon as possible and wanted to attack He Ning.

Holding a glass of red wine, she found the opportunity, walked to He Ning, and walked in front of her.

"He Ning." He Peishan called her name.

Without waiting for He Ningying, her glass of wine splashed on He Ning's face.

At the same time, a figure appeared and pulled He Ning into his arms. The glass of wine did not spill on He Ning and fell to nothing.

The person who pulled He Ning away was Gu Yunchen.

Today Jiang Xue invited Gu Baoyan, who had just returned home. Gu Baoyan didn't want to come alone, so he had to take Gu Yunchen with him.

He had to come reluctantly.

Most of the people here are women. Gu Yunchen felt boring alone. He happened to see He Ning here and was about to come forward to talk to her. Who knew he saw this scene.

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