Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 692: There is no difference between men and women

"Are you okay?" Gu Yunchen lowered his head and asked the person in his arms.

He Ning whispered: "Why are you pulling me? I'm about to kick her."

She was pregnant wearing flat shoes, and He Peishan wore a hateful dress. She was sure that He Peishan was going to make troubles regardless of the occasion, and she was already prepared in her heart.

"So I saved you wrong?" Gu Yunchen narrowed his mouth.

"Let go of me soon." He Ning knew that he was always the same as a man and a woman, and everyone seemed to be an anatomical picture in his eyes.

But he doesn't care, others should care.

Sure enough, He Peishan saw that he hadn't splashed He Ning, and He Ning was rescued by Gu Yunchen. He immediately said: "He Ning, what are you doing? Brother Yu has only been away for a few days, so you can't help but find another man?"

Immediately everyone's eyes came to see that Gu Yunchen's hand was still on He Ning's waist.

Gu Yunchen immediately let go, but this scene has been seen by many people.

He Peishan even picked He Ning's fault and said with a mockery: "Is it so impatient to climb another man's bed?"

"He Peishan, don't think that other people's reputation is as smelly as your mouth." He Ning looked at her coldly.

"Why, you can be what others can't say? Look at the relationship between you and Gu Yunchen, and you dare to hug and hug in the public. Who else is your reputation?" He Peishan was anxious to throw He Ning into the mud. Step on.

He Ning wanted to give her a kick just now, and now hearing her say such a thing, he stepped forward without hesitation and gave her a slap.

He slapped He Peishan's face with five clear fingerprints.

He Peishan was startled, but he didn't expect that He Ning would dare to beat himself.

"How is it? I wanted to beat you a long time ago. You were sick before. I was afraid that I would be responsible for killing you, so I resisted not beating you. But now it's different. You're all better now. Wouldn't it be me who slapped you and you will pretend to be sick?" He Ning asked.

These words blocked He Peishan's retreat, and she couldn't pretend to be sick.

She was furious and was about to fight back.

However, Gu Yunchen was already standing in front of He Ning, where could He Peishan fight back?

For a while, everyone looked over here.

We all know that there has been a lot of things between Lan Xi and He Birong recently, but I didn't expect to see them on such occasions. Everyone watched them with gusto.

He Birong walked to He Peishan and saw her cheeks flushed, very distressed.

He Peishan cried: "Mom, look at He Ning. When Brother Yu is not there, she just hooked up. She was with Gu Yunchen just now and had a close attitude. I just said a few words about her and asked her to be brother Yu. For the sake of his reputation, she slapped me."

Everyone is looking to this side and watching the development of the situation.

He Ning smiled slightly and said to everyone: "Everyone knows Doctor Gu? Who doesn't know that he is a medical idiot. What he likes most every day is to study various diseases. There is no difference between men and women. I was born before. A very serious illness was cured by Dr. Gu. Dr. Gu just wanted to inquire about my condition. In He Peishan’s mouth, it turned out to be tricky. It is because some people are thinking about it, see. Everything is squandered, or is Doctor Gu and I at fault?"

Everyone nodded.

Gu Yunchen is indeed well-known, since he was a child, he likes to tinker with medicine and study diseases.

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