Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 759: Seeing Shen Jingyu’s medical report

He Ning and Ye Shu went in together.

It was empty inside, and the door of Professor Liang's office had been opened by Liang Yan.

He Ning and Ye Shu walked in.

At the desk, Shen Jingyu's portfolio was placed in front of him.

It seems that Professor Liang just saw it.

He Ning's heart throbbed, beating very hard, she most hoped that everything she had was an illusion, and she hoped that Shen Jingyu would be well.

But his portfolio is placed in the most prominent position in Professor Liang's office, but it also shows that things don't seem to be that simple.

Does the portfolio in front of the doctor indicate to some extent that it is a medical record?

This is a medical laboratory. If it's not because of physical problems, why put the information here?

He Ning's mood was extremely complicated and tangled.

Ye Shu urged: "He Ning, go and take a look, we will leave immediately after reading."

He Ning nodded, and quickly pulled out the information.

See the handwriting in front of her clearly, there was a flower in front of her, as if she knew every word, but when they were connected, the meaning was so complicated.

She was suddenly hit by something in her mind, and her body was shaking suddenly.

Ye Shu hurriedly helped her.

Liang Yan lowered his voice: "Miss He, Miss Ye, we must leave immediately, they are coming back soon."

He Ning took the materials and couldn't get back to his senses for a long time.

Liang Yan rushed over, put things away, and pulled her out.

Fortunately, after the military returned, Liang Yan returned with He Ning and Ye Shu.

When He Ning sat in the car, the whole expression was a little sluggish.

His hands clenched tightly.

Neither Ye Shu nor Liang Yan saw the report.

Ye Shu asked her worriedly, "He Ning, what's the matter? Has something happened?"

He Ning wanted to answer, but before she said anything, tears were already falling.

I feel my heart is tightened, it hurts uncomfortably, my throat is also blocked, and I can't make a sound.

Ye Shu hugged her quickly: "Okay, don't say anything, just cry first, just cry."

Seeing that the situation was serious, Liang Yan hurriedly increased the speed of his car.


Professor Liang appeared in the laboratory.

The person guarding the laboratory hurried over and said, "Professor Liang, it seems that someone has been here just now..."

"It's okay, don't check, it was my people who came to get something." Professor Liang said.

Hearing him say this, those people breathed a sigh of relief and went back to guard again.

"Professor Liang, there is nothing wrong with you, right?" Gu Yunchen got out of the car and stepped forward to him. "It's rare to have an appointment with Professor Liang to have a long conversation. If something happens to you, I can Can't afford it."

"Yunchen, you are getting smarter and smarter. Did you specifically lead me away to let people come to my laboratory to see something?" Professor Liang laughed.

Gu Yunchen also laughed: "Professor Liang's things, if they don't want to be shown to others, they should be managed very well. Ordinary people can't see them in a short time. I don't know if I'm right?"

"Yes, so even if someone comes in, I am not worried." Professor Liang laughed.

"Then what if He Ning is here?" Gu Yunchen asked back, "Professor Liang, I have a good talk with you tonight, but I give He Ning a good opportunity?"

The two looked at each other, and suddenly laughed tacitly.

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