Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 760: Add fuel to the flames

"My things are secrets from the military. They shouldn't be shown to anyone." He said sternly. "Whoever came tonight or saw anything has nothing to do with me. I remember, it seems like yesterday. The camera is also broken in the evening, and it looks like it's time to get someone to fix it."

After he finished speaking, he smiled: "Yunchen, go back and rest early."

Gu Yunchen watched him strode away and entered the laboratory.

Just a little earlier, Gu Yunchen took the test report of Shen Jingyu's blood drawn by himself, and asked Professor Liang directly in front of him.

Professor Liang's original words were: "This is a military secret, but since you found it out by yourself, it has nothing to do with me. You are a genius in the medical world. If you want to check it, please continue to check it."

Gu Yunchen understood in her heart that Shen Jingyu's body was in condition.

And this situation is not small.

It’s just that neither Shen Jingyu nor Professor Liang have the right to speak out about this situation, because his physical condition represents not only his own physical problems, but also represents that this is a matter involving the military and other countries. Secret.

Therefore, Gu Yunchen is not a member of the military and has no right to know this secret.

But Professor Liang's attitude is also very obvious. He regrets Shen Jingyu, so if Gu Yunchen finds out something accidentally, it means that he is destined, and this secret should be known to Gu Yunchen.

As for the truth of He Ning's visit to investigate the facts, Professor Liang is not without contributing to the situation.

He deliberately came to pick up Shen Jingyu himself this time, and he personally found He Ning to get her blood drawn, in fact, to arouse He Ning's desire to investigate this matter more.

He knew...in his own capacity, he should have kept secrets strictly, and shouldn't hint at He Ning or something.

Maybe it was just out of pity, maybe out of He Ning's hope for Shen Jingyu's recovery, and Professor Liang did it anyway.

He hoped that He Ning would be smarter, more sensitive, and do what she should do.

It seems that Hening did it.

Gu Yunchen stood there and went through these things in his heart.

He looked at the endless night sky, lost in thought for a long time.


He Ning went to the hospital where He Yiming was located, and the tremor in his body had not yet subsided.

It seemed that I had a bitter bitter powder on the tip of my tongue, and it was too slow to come.

He Yiming was sitting in a wheelchair waiting for them. As soon as he saw He Ning's face, he knew that something was wrong.

"Come and sit." He took He Ning's hand and went back to his ward together, "Liang Yan, you stay outside and don't let anyone in."

Liang Yan answered.

He Ning sat down, and Ye Shu said anxiously: "I saw the third master's information, but He Ning has not been willing to say what it is, and her emotions are a little broken."

He Yiming whispered: "Pour a cup of hot water for He Ning."

In the case of extreme collapse of human emotions, there is nothing to say.

Both He Yiming and Ye Shu know.

He Ning was in a daze, with a cup of hot water in his hand.

Her cold body was all relieved.

Looking at the face of her elder brother in front of her, she cried: "The report in Professor Liang's laboratory shows that Jingyu has been infected with a very serious virus and may have become ill. Two people have died of illness before. "

"Ah!" He Yiming and Ye Shu were shocked.

However, He Yiming quickly remembered: "I remember that Jingyu performed a task more than a year or two ago."

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