Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 763: I know everything!

Are you dreaming?

Shen Jingyu encircled his arms, and the warmth in his arms was so close and full of arms.

Her scent came from his breath, familiar, good smelling, and fascinated by him.

"Husband." He Ning called again, and kissed him on tiptoe, kissed his sharp chin, kissed his handsome face, kissed the small mole on his face, kissed his narrow phoenix eyes and sharp raised eyebrows.

"He Ning..." Shen Jingyu doubted it was a dream.

When he was sick all night, emotionally and physically, he was extremely fragile. The moment he reached out to support her just now was completely out of worry instinct.

When He Ning's lips were handed over, he didn't hesitate to **** the kiss directly, holding her lips, poking his tongue in, and chasing and playing with her small tongue.

"Husband, don't leave me..." He Ning whimpered, begging in a low voice between the kisses.

Her tears gently slid across his face and fell on his chest, feeling so real.

Shen Jingyu suddenly became sober, hugged her on the bed, stretched out his hand to turn on the light, and saw the real scene before him clearly.

He said coldly: "Why are you here?"

"Husband." He Ning said softly again, raising her eyes to look at him.

With mist in her eyes, her eyes were red and swollen from crying, and she looked exceptionally pitiful.

Shen Jingyu's heart softened and said, "What happened?"

She plunged into his arms abruptly, clutching his shirt tightly.

Shen Jingyu felt something in her heart. Could it be that she found something?

But it's impossible. This matter is absolutely confidential, and she shouldn't know anything.

Since she doesn't know, she should never know.

He pushed her away coldly: "If you don't say anything, I will ask Qin Zheng to send you back."

"Don't let me leave..." Her voice choked, clutching him, "No matter what happens, I will be by your side, and I will never leave half a step."

"You should go back to Chu Zhuohang." Shen Jingyu stretched out her palm and opened her hand.

"I know it! I know it all! Husband, I know why you want me to take the child away. I know why you said you only have three years at most with me..." He Ning cried out.

A bad feeling appeared in Shen Jingyu's heart, and she leaned on her shoulders: "What are you talking about?"

"I know why divorce, why go to the army, I know everything. Why don't you tell me? You tell me, I can face you together. Although I may not be able to do anything for you, but at least I can By your side!" He Ning's voice was in a hoarse cry, her eyes were red and swollen like two peaches.

Shen Jingyu was stunned, why did she know everything?


Perhaps this is just her guess.

He whispered: "He Ning, be good, I will let Chu Zhuohang come to pick you up. You are pregnant with a child, you shouldn't stay with me."

"When are you still deceiving me? Shen Jingyu, the child is yours, not Chu Zhuohang's!" He Ning exclaimed excitedly when he saw that he was about to drive himself away.

Shen Jingyu's hands stiffened.

"Jingyu, husband," she said softly, tugging at the corner of his clothes, "I secretly went to Professor Liang's research room, I already know everything."

She held him desperately: "I know everything, I don't allow you to leave me!"

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