Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 764: Never leave!

"He Ning!" Shen Jingyu really didn't expect that she would go to see those things.

How could she?

"I always wondered if you were ill. I happened to meet Professor Liang, so I asked my eldest brother to secretly arrange for me to go to his research room and find your medical record."

Shen Jingyu still wanted to say something, but couldn't say a word.

He couldn't bear to watch her cry, he couldn't bear to feel sorry for her.

However, she still bears everything that he should bear.

"I know you will probably not come back this time. Either you are not allowed to go, or you take me with you!" He Ning's voice was soft and cried.

However, her attitude is unusually firm.

He has paid so much for himself, bearing all the heavy burden.

As for her, she still complains about herself without knowing anything.

In any case, she didn't let him bear it alone.

Shen Jingyu's heart was filled, but she shouldn't have to bear those things.

He has to argue again, wanting to find a reason to coax the past.

But He Ning hugged him tightly. Just as he was about to speak, her lips were already pressed, blocking what he was about to say.

She took the initiative to push him down and kissed him recklessly.

She reached out and grabbed his palm and placed it on her lower abdomen. Then she loosened his lips: "Husband, this is your child. It has always been yours. It has nothing to do with Senior Chu. I have nothing to do with him. ."

A burst of ecstasy emerged in Shen Jingyu's heart.

However, thinking of the possibility that the child is only one in a million healthy, his heart sank.

He embraced He Ning, and his voice was rough: "Ning, you shouldn't know these things."

"What if I know? You are too selfish! Do you think that I am with you just to enjoy your pampering? I also want to love you unconditionally. No matter what happens to you, what happened, I will be by your side!"

"Ning!" Shen Jingyu buried her head in her shoulders and between her hair. He didn't protect her and let her know this.

His heart was full of emotions and thoughts, and he didn't want her to bear it...

He Ning grabbed his finger: "If you leave me silently, then my child and I will go to the river again!"

Shen Jingyu was heartbroken and hugged her: "No!"

"Then you are not allowed to leave me! Never!" He Ning whispered pleadingly.

"But Ning, Professor Liang said, the probability of our child being healthy is less than one in a million. I shouldn't have made you pregnant..." Shen Jingyu felt even more heartache when she thought of what she would bear.

"I know, I know, I know it! I didn't blame you, nor was it your fault. You thought of this for me early in the morning." He Ning recalled that when he was only together, he took her to do nothing. Harmful contraceptive surgery.

The failure of the operation was not his fault at all, and he didn't know it.

"I also know that I misunderstood you at the beginning. You didn't want our children." Every time He Ning said, he couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"Husband..." She hugged him, and she could do too little for him.

Therefore, even more can not and will not leave him.

"Ning." Shen Jingyu responded gently to her.

"If Professor Liang really can't help it, even if you are no longer, even our children... But as long as I can be with you, I think of it all in this life, I think it's worth it." She murmured.

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