Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 770: how's the progress?

This time, the meaning of inclusion is completely different.

Professor Liang tacitly said, with a kind and calm tone: "Jingyu, I believe in you, you have the power to overcome all difficulties."

Downstairs, Lan Xi and Ding Qinen competed to impart knowledge to He Ning.

Talking for a long time in the morning is not too tired.

Shen Jingyu asked Aunt Chen to prepare lunch. Today, it's time for everyone to get together.

He Ning returned a call to He Yiming and Ye Shu so as not to worry about them.

In fact, since He Yiming and Ye Shu learned about Shen Jingyu's condition, they have repeatedly thought about it a lot.

They also placed hope on Gu Yunchen, hoping that he could get rid of Shen Jingyu's illness.

The family had lunch happily.

In the evening, Shen Jingyu had a detailed chat with Gu Yunchen alone.

"I came to you because of the child in He Ning's stomach." Shen Jingyu's eyebrows were very serious, and he could see the worries inside.

"What is the problem with the child? Is it possible that the substance in your blood is harmful to the child?"

Seeing his silence, Gu Yunchen knew that he was right.

He said aloud: "So this is the purpose of your insistence on not wanting children."

"Professor Liang said that the substances in my sperm cells are the same as the harmful substances in the blood. The probability of a child being born and surviving is extremely low. If he is alive, there is also a very high probability that he will endure the same as mine. The pain." Shen Jingyu is most worried about this.

When the time comes, the child will be in pain, and Hening doesn't know how badly it will be.

He could not imagine.

Gu Yunchen understood all this, it turned out that there was such a deep reason in it.

"Professor Liang said, what is the probability that the child is completely healthy?" Gu Yunchen felt that her voice was also dumb and uncomfortable.


"But the fetus has been five months old and abortion is impossible. Inducing labor is also very dangerous." Gu Yunchen warned.

Shen Jingyu looked at him: "I don't plan to do anything that may harm He Ning. Therefore, if your research has any problems, I must ask you to take their mother and child as the most important thing, and to protect the health and safety of the fetus. "

Gu Yunchen nodded silently.

He returned to the room, He Ning hurriedly stood up and said, "What did you say to Yunchen?"

"Discussed about my condition." Shen Jingyu said simply.

"Is there any progress?" He Ning asked concerned.

"Not so fast." He whispered, "I told you not to worry about these problems. Why do you still have so many questions in your mind, eh?"

How can He Ning not worry about it?

That is something that concerns the health and life of one's favorite person.

However, He Ning didn't say anything, and put his palm on his lower abdomen.

She looked at him with a smile, and the palms of the two were clasped together. Suddenly, she slid on her stomach, feeling that the baby was moving.

This is the first time Shen Jingyu really felt the joy of being a parent with He Ning.

His eyebrows eased unconsciously, and together with He Ning, they followed the baby's fetal movements and slid on her lower abdomen.

The baby seemed to perceive something, playing games with them naughty, until after about a few minutes, they were tired, and then stopped moving.

He Ning is convinced that her baby will be healthy.

Although she didn't tell Shen Jingyu these words, she still had her own firm belief in her heart.

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