Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 771: Size is longer

Shen Jingyu hooked her lips: "The baby is already asleep, and we will rest early. I will accompany you to take a bath."

He put the hot water in, picked up Hening and put it in the bathtub.

Then go help her get her pajamas.

He Ning's things have all been moved back, and a whole closet has been placed in full.

However, he found that all the underwear and bras he had given her had been replaced.

He frowned, took her pajamas to her, and asked in a dumb voice, "Why did you change all the clothes I gave you?"

"No change." He Ning has always cherished the things he sent. Although most of the precious jewellery was sent to Lawyer Nie, the clothes and the like were all her size, so it would be useless to know that he would go back. She has no pretense.

"Obviously, they have all been replaced." Shen Jingyu took out her inner inner and bra, "Are these...were given by someone else, eh?"

When He Ning saw that he had taken out a lot of it, his face burned badly.

"No, Mom bought it for me." He Ning turned away, his face flushed, this man is really true, why focus on this kind of thing?

"So are you going to replace the ones I gave it?" He was obviously unhappy. It turned out that she was carrying him on her back and had already replaced all the substitute clothes.

He Ning pursed her red lips and said, "It's because I got longer in size after I was pregnant, and the original ones can't be worn temporarily, so I bought a larger size."

Hearing this explanation, Shen Jingyu was startled at first, and then he understood what it meant.

A lustful color suddenly appeared in his eyes, his apple slid, and his voice became dull: "Longer in size?"

He was really damned, he was ignorant, he didn't even notice this small change.

Reached out into the bathtub.

He Ning closed her eyes and did not stop him from reaching out to explore the palm, but her face was completely red when she was caressed roughly, turning into two tomatoes.

He lowered his head and bit her lip, and the hot masculine breath rushed into the tip of her nose. He didn't even take off his clothes, and then slid directly into the huge bathtub.

He was afraid of pressing her, so after he came in, he put her on it, pressed her little head, and kissed him affectionately.

She really has a fatal attraction to him.

The simple sentence just now made him tense.

The body clamored with only one thought, wanting her, wanting to love her.

He Ning's belly is a little bigger, which is a little inconvenient, but in the eyes of Shen Jingyu, who is physically strong and energetic, it is nothing.

He kissed her, strong and gentle, not too deep, taking care of her body.

The sensitivity after pregnancy made He Ning tremble to the peak in such a small movement, lying on his shoulders, gasping for breath.

Shen Jingyu caressed her back painfully, following her rhythm, slowly bringing her more happiness.

He Ning felt that he was going to die several times.

However, Shen Jingyu didn't let her plan go. Although gentle, she refused to simply rest.

Fortunately, the bathtub has a constant temperature insulation system, and the water temperature is always comfortable and suitable.

Finally satisfied, he got up and took a bath towel, wrapped her in a hug.

This night, he did not become ill.

This is completely different from before. When he was not with He Ning, his frequency of illness was extremely high.

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