Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 772: Upset the blood of the Shen family

Shen Jingyu, who was with He Ning, had a much lower chance of getting sick.

Could this be what Professor Liang said, the existence of He Ning is the root cause of Shen Jingyu's slowdown?

Early the next morning, Shen Jingyu reported the situation to Professor Liang.

Professor Liang has always been pleasantly surprised by this discovery. He told Shen Jingyu that he was already conducting research.

If there is a breakthrough, it may be a major research breakthrough for the resolution of this virus.

Shen Jingyu took He Ning and returned to Jingyuan Shen's house.

Since it is to be together again, it must be declared to the world that He Ning cannot be left anonymous.

When she returned to Shen's house, Wu Shuzhen and her aunt were also there.

Because Shen Jingyu and He Ning were divorced, they often came and walked around, hoping to get some good news, and also hope to inquire a little bit of news, to see who the next young lady of the Shen family is, in order to curry favor in advance.

"I think Meng Yunshi, the daughter of the deputy mayor of Jingyuan, has hope. She has a high degree and is gentle. She is a favorite of the third master." Wu Shuzhen guessed.

The aunt shook her head: "Vice-General Han's daughter, Han Yuxi, is unparalleled and very pleasant. She speaks like Huang Yingjiao, no one is more suitable for the third master than her."

There was no host family to receive the two of them. They were in the living room, spitting wildly, as if they had already seen everything.

The butler standing on the side didn't like both of them, but their identity was there, so they could only watch them being noisy.

He was feeling a little helpless. At a glance, he saw two figures coming in outside. He was overjoyed: "San Ye is back!"

Hearing this sound, Wu Shuzhen and her aunt hurriedly stood up and looked outside.

When Shen Jingyu walked in with He Ning's hand, the faces of Wu Shuzhen and her aunt suddenly became a little ugly.

What is going on here?

The property was liquidated and the divorce agreement was signed a few days ago, but now they are reconciled?

However, no matter what they did, Wu Shuzhen and his aunt had no right to inquire about Shen Jingyu's affairs.

I also have no right to know what the truth is inside.

"Jingyu, He Ning." The two people's faces were full of commercial smirks.

Because it was really too sudden, and it was too much beyond their imagination.

The old lady Shen and Ding Qinen also came, and the intention to avoid them was obvious.

When they came, the two hosts both said that there was something to do and did not come forward to receive them.

As soon as Shen Jingyu and He Ning appeared, they immediately appeared.

"Come on, He Ning, come and sit next to Grandma." When the old lady Shen saw He Ning, she hurriedly stretched out her hand to greet her, let her sit down next to her, and took her hand affectionately.

Wu Shuzhen and her aunt can be said to be very jealous and very jealous.

This kind of treatment is something they might not enjoy for a lifetime to please.

Especially Wu Shuzhen, seeing this situation, couldn't help but say: "Old lady, I heard that He Ning personally said that the child is a man surnamed Chu. Isn't this messing up the blood of the Shen family?"

Because the old lady Shen still loved her before, she relied on the feeling of being backed by someone to speak out.

Even if Shen Jingyu is here, she thinks she is telling the truth, don't worry.

When she spoke, she found that the corners of the lips of Mrs. Shen and Ding Qin'en were curling at the same time, which was obviously unhappy.

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