Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 795: It seems to be about... about to give birth

After she just returned a text message, a call came in.

That was from Duan Hanyu.

Duan Hanyu is the guard of the orderly guard next to Ding Qinen, and He Ning is very familiar with him, and he is also protecting He Ning's safety recently.

"Young lady, didn't the general arrange for us to search for the whereabouts of Ms. Ning Wan's bloodline? Now there is news."

"Really? What's the situation now?" Henning was immediately happy.

She was conceived in Ning Wan's belly, so Ning Wan's own egg didn't know where it went or what happened.

So He Ning asked Shen Jingyu and He Yiming to help find them.

However, after so many years, it is really not easy to find it, so there has been no news for a long time. I did not expect to find it now.

"Ms. Ning Wan's blood was placed in the body of another woman who underwent IVF surgery and was born as twins. Ms. Ning Wan is a daughter who lives in Jingyuan now. I will pick you up right now. See her in the past." Deputy General Zhang said.

"Good." He Ning nodded without hesitation.

She also heard Shen Jingyu mentioned this matter some time ago.

She didn't have much hope at first, but since that child is in the world and is Ning Wan's only blood, she must take care of it.

So, she immediately changed her clothes and went out.

Today, because of a dinner at the Presidential Palace, Mrs. Shen and Ding Qin'en both rushed over early in the morning.

He Ning is physically inconvenient, so naturally he can't go.

After He Ning went out, Duan Hanyu stepped forward to meet her and got into the car.

When the car drove out, it was originally going to the city center of Jingyuan.

However, I don't know why, the route is getting more and more biased, and it seems that it has started to go to the suburban road.

"Head Guard Duan, where are you going?" He Ning suddenly felt shocked.

Duan Hanyu was also very strange, and immediately said, "Where are you going?"

It was at the same time that he asked, he realized that the driver had been replaced by someone else instead of his own.

"Stop!" Duan Hanyu shouted.

However, the driver did not intend to stop at all.

Duan Hanyu understands that things are not good. His most recent duties are to protect He Ning. Seeing the calm outside, he doesn't think anything will happen in the city.

But someone actually replaced the driver under his nose!

He immediately took out his mobile phone and asked for reinforcements, only to realize that all the protected cars that were supposed to be behind his car had disappeared.

Moreover, his mobile phone can't make calls at all.

He Ning's cell phone can't be called either!

"There must be a signal shielding device!" Duan Hanyu immediately reacted. He was separated from the front row by a baffle, and could not move the driver in front at all.

He Ning's face turned pale, and her breathing started to be rapid. It turned out that the car was too bumpy, and her stomach had already started to react.

"Head Guard Duan, Duan...My stomach hurts so much, as if I'm about to...I'm about to give birth..." He Ning's tone became intermittent, and his body's reaction increased.

Duan Hanyu picked up the gun in his hand and smashed open the baffle between the front and rear seats, holding the driver's head behind him and twisting it.

The driver's neck was broken with a click, and he fell softly without a hum.

The car finally stopped!

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