Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 796: Start to have labor pains

But it didn't stop straight, but crashed into a hillside, and after a huge roar, bursts of smoke came out before it stopped.

Duan Hanyu and He Ning were a little dizzy when they were hit.

Duan Hanyu didn't think much about it, and helped He Ning get out of the car.

He Ning groaned with pain, and blood began to appear between her legs. She trembled all over, just trying her best to endure it.

Fortunately, after they came out, they were finally able to call with their mobile phones.

Duan Hanyu and the painful He Ning respectively dialed out their mobile phones.

However, people kept coming up all around...


When Shen Jingyu rushed back, her mood was a little ups and downs.

Duan Hanyu said that he had found Ning Wan's blood.

He originally wanted to go back early to accompany He Ning to meet the man, but the army had a little bit of explanation, and after a delay, he arranged for Duan Hanyu to pick up He Ning first.

After he got out of the army, he immediately called He Ning and Duan Hanyu.

However, the phone is no longer available.

"Immediately check where the car went after Duan Hanyu received He Ning." Shen Jingyu had a strong bad feeling in her heart.

Before the feedback came back, Duan Hanyu called. He was anxious and heard intermittently noisy voices and He Ning's painful voice...

Shen Jingyu's brows wrinkled tightly in an instant, and a layer of coldness enveloped her body, and she slammed a fist against the car window.

"Assemble people and set off right away!"

The military convoy immediately moved towards the position reported by Duan Hanyu.

Shen Jingyu drove a car in person, shook the throttle, and drove over there at the fastest speed.

On the phone, Duan Hanyu's voice was intermittent.

But he still heard clearly, He Ning had a fetal gas, and now he was beginning to have pain!

Thinking of this, Shen Jingyu's fingers grasping the steering wheel could not help but squeeze fiercely, and the knuckles were almost transparent white.

His thin lips were pressed tightly into a line, and all of them were icy arcs!

Someone dared!

He Ning's painful voice appeared in his ears, and his heart was tightened fiercely...

Qiao Hai reported: "General Zhang Zekun’s father led the work. Deputy General Zhang was in a bad condition and fainted today. His father took the man and took the risk. He replaced the head of the guard Duan and planned to take his sister-in-law there. Zhang Zekun had a blood transfusion."

"Asshole!" Shen Jingyu scolded fiercely.

His teeth were clenched tightly, and his face was all cruel and cruel.

When Shen Jingyu's car rushed to that place, Duan Hanyu and He Ning were not seen at all.

"Search now! Within ten kilometers, all are sealed off, and no fly can fly away!" Shen Jingyu was wearing military uniform at the moment, with a hostile expression on his face.

Military high-top shoes stepped on the ground, making a shocking sound.

He was shrouded in a deep red darkness by the evening sun.

"General, found a small wooden house in front! A voice came from over there!"

Shen Jingyu opened his long legs and ran towards that side.

Zhang Zekun's father was also a soldier, and sure enough, there were many people along the way to stop Shen Jingyu and his people.

But when Shen Jingyu, who was full of cold air, appeared, many people still gave up blocking... Besides, it seemed that blocking didn't make any sense, because there had already been a man who was like a living Hades!

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