Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 814: Will protect you

"Minister Jiang has been sitting in the office for a long time, resulting in too little knowledge. Don't you really know what kind of **** the US military research office is?" Shen Jingyu asked relentlessly, full of mockery.

Being slapped in the face by him, Jiang Qi said nothing.

Everyone knows that the US military research room is a harsh place, with no entrance but no exit.

He Ning's body, under the circumstances that Professor Liang and Gu Yunchen are so caring, and trying their best to focus on her body, it is still in a lot of conditions.

What's more, it is the most efficient place of the US military?

"Jingyu, if you don't want to hand over He Ning, you can only calm things down in the U.S." Fu Hongxuan could not force him, so he could only say so.

"I will go." Shen Jingyu's voice was calm and clear, "But, this is not because I am afraid of you! Nor is it because He Ning should take such a responsibility!"

"This is just what I should do as a soldier and a general! It is my duty to protect my family and the country, and abandoning my wife and children is an inferior behavior."

"I'll go with you!" He Yiming opened the door, walked in, and stood side by side with Shen Jingyu.

The two of them stood at the same place, and the medals on their bodies exuded shining brilliance.

All looked up at them.

There is complexity in everyone's eyes.


When Shen Jingyu returned from the military, the Shen family had also heard about it.

Although He Ning didn't know the outline of the matter, he also heard a little.

"Jingyu, what happened?" He Ning was a little worried.

Shen Jingyu hesitated for a moment, unable to speak.

"Tell me! Are you still unwilling to share the burden with me after experiencing so many things?" He Ning's eyes were firm, and he looked at him seriously.

Shen Jingyu supported her shoulders: "I have never said that I am afraid that you are worried, but I can't say that the most distinguished people in the Dragon Empire have to abandon a woman to protect their interests."

"What's the matter?" He Ning asked dumbly.

Shen Jingyu spoke roughly.

He Ning was stunned: "Jingyu, you have to protect An'an! We no longer have Lele and can't be taken away by An'an. What kind of research can An An be able to do with such a small child? Draw five milliliters of blood to check the body, I feel so distressed..."

"I will protect An An, and I will protect you."

His voice is firm and steady.

He Ning's heart was settled.

She threw herself into his arms, clutching his shirt tightly.

How long have they been happy, and why did they encounter such a thing again?

She suddenly raised her eyes to look at him: "Then what if I take the initiative to cooperate with the US military?"

"Impossible! I don't allow it!" Shen Jingyu snapped, and then turned to be gentle, "I don't agree with you to suffer any more. What's more, the direction of the US military is inhumane. Even the military of the Dragon Empire is willing to abandon you. Do you think they will Do you care about your safety?"

"Except for Professor Liang and Gu Yunchen, I don't allow anyone to experiment with you anymore!"

He Ning sensed his arrogant and bloodthirsty anger.

He rarely gets so angry, he used to only be jealous.

He Ning understands the importance of the matter, and also understands that his worries are not without worries.

Her body really couldn't help so much.

Sending her to the military obviously sent her to a dead end.

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