Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 815: Is a woman

But what should I do?

He Ning was lost in thought.

Shen Jingyu kissed her, as if for fear that she would say any more words of voluntary sacrifice.

He doesn't allow anyone to hurt her again!

Even if the whole world is enemies to her, he will be enemies to the whole world for her.

There is nothing more important than the safety of the country’s army or the empire of the special one.

He kissed her frantically, like a hunting beast, wishing to eat her bite by bite.

His fierce fists seemed to embed her in his body fiercely.

He Ning understood his feelings, if she were to let her abandon him, she couldn't do the same.

She cooperated with his wildness, and raised her slender and soft waist to cater to his wild waves.

It seems as if this is the end of the world, as if all this is the end.


Shen Jingyu and He Yiming have not set off yet.

However, the shareholders inside the Shen family also quarreled fiercely.

Although they didn't know that it was the American military who was asking for He Ning, the Duke of Phoenix on the opposite side said that as long as Shen Jingyu was willing to give up He Ning, they would stop.

Therefore, the entire general meeting of shareholders was arguing for the first time, and for the first time, someone dared to quarrel in front of Shen Jingyu and said his purpose loudly.

Benefits are really a magic weapon to deceive people's hearts, greedy human nature, at this moment, you can see.

Lin Dong, who sits in the closest position to Shen Jingyu, has always had a position in the Shen family, and said: "San Ye, the Phoenix consortium has a US military background. This time it directly suppressed us and really made us a bit miserable. I can't compare it to that. Accept their suggestions."

"Young grandma loves you very much, she loves you that way, she must be willing to sacrifice for you and the whole company."

Shen Jingyu glanced at them coldly: "How many people think that way?"

A few people who held their own identities stepped forward, others hesitated a little, and some of them were determined by the Sanye Sect, who would not waver no matter what happened.

"San Ye, we know that you have a deep affection for your young grandma. If the other party has to force you, have you ever thought about it? Maybe it's because the other party has some private relationship with the young grandma? They forced you to divorce, did they just want to divorce you? Young grandma will continue to lead?" a shareholder surnamed Wang guessed.

Other than that, he couldn't think of more things.

Although the physical condition of Shen Jingyu and He Ning is an open secret, they are only limited to the officialdom and the military. People in their business circles still haven't heard much gossip.

So everyone speculates that the Phoenix Consortium did this mostly for the sake of feelings.

Seeing that Shen Jingyu hadn’t spoken, he courageously continued: “I'll be honest, since the young lady still has feelings with other men and is not loyal to the third master, the third master actually doesn’t have to take care of her, but it hurts the company. Fundamental interests."

As soon as he finished speaking, a cup of hot coffee hit his forehead directly, and he didn't even see how Shen Jingyu moved his hand.

Dong Wang was shocked, his face was full of blood, but he didn't dare to reach out his hand to erase it, but said in a trembling voice: "San Ye, I'm just guessing, I'm not sure about it, I didn't mean it."

"You who are in charge of the American region, don't you know that the Duke of Phoenix is ​​a woman?" Shen Jingyu's voice was calm.

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