Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 834: Just know to torture people

He Ning gave him the nickname Pingping for this child.

At the beginning, He Ning chose the four words Ping An Xi Le to name the baby. An An and Le Le accounted for two. Now there is Ping Ping, which is another form of consummation.

It is strange to say that when Pingping was in confinement, He Ning was very sticky, and she always slept with He Ning, eating and drinking well every day, and going to bed until dawn.

However, after confinement, he became a little bit troubled and always couldn't sleep well at night.

He Ning walked around the room holding him, and managed to coax him to sleep, but just about to put it down, he woke up again.

There are many nurses and doctors in the manor.

But no one can hold Pingping, he can cry, so even if He Ning is tired, she can only hold the baby.

Chu Ye and Lan Xi were also helpless.

He Ning was coaxing the child softly, and Fang Lan knocked on the door and came in.

"Fang Lan, what did Doctor Fang say?" He Ning asked.

"My dad said that Ping Ping is not sick or infected with that virus. So there is nothing to worry about in his health." She said.

Because this virus is no longer a secret, Dr. Fang also obtained some information, which can help Pingping diagnose.

"But he always doesn't sleep well, I remember An An didn't make trouble like this back then."

Fang Lan said, “Don’t worry, I’ve checked a lot of information. After the child comes out of the mother’s body, it’s just as jet lag as an adult. Sometimes it’s very tired and annoying. He wants to sleep, but he doesn’t have that ability. , I don’t know what to do, so I cry and become more dependent on my mother."

"As long as there is no physical problem, this situation generally lasts until half a year old, and there will be a big change."

He Ning looked at the peacefully sleeping Ping in his arms, with a helpless smile: "I know torturing people."

Fang Lan glanced at her and saw that Pingping was already asleep.

"Slowly put it down and try." Fang Lan said.

Before He Ning put it down, he hummed his mouth and wanted to cry.

He Ning glanced at Fang Lan helplessly: "No, I can't let it go."

"Then I'll hold it, and you can rest for a while." Fang Lan stretched out his hand to take it.

As soon as he reached out his hand, his flat face was crumpled and he was about to cry.

He Ning quickly retracted his arm, Fang Lan was also helpless, and could only be held by He Ning.

Fang Lan couldn't help much, so Fang Lan could only leave.

He Ning was holding the baby and couldn't let go, and he was not resting well.

Late at night, she hugged her baby and sat on the sofa to doze.

This child is more sticky to her than Ann, and she can only do this.

Chu Zhuohang knocked on the door, but no one answered.

The door was hidden, and the night light inside was still on, emitting a faint light.

He pushed the door in and saw He Ning sitting on the sofa holding Pingping, sleeping soundly, and He Ning fell asleep unknowingly.

A little helpless and a lot of distress appeared on his face.

He walked over, stretched out his hand and bent over to hug He Ning and Heping together and put it on the bed.

He Ning didn't wake up, because she stayed up all night continuously, she was too sleepy, closed her eyes and fell asleep peacefully.

Chu Zhuohang couldn't help but chuckled, looked at her face seriously, and wanted to kiss her on the face.

Only knowing that she had always avoided suspicion with him and didn't want to have too much relationship with him, he kept holding back and didn't touch her.

Pingping fell asleep in He Ning's arms.

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